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I stirred the pot of shrimp afredo and added a little bit more old bay in

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I stirred the pot of shrimp afredo and added a little bit more old bay in. I got a baby bottle out the dishwasher and i poured the warm milk i was warming up on the stove in the baby bottle.

I got a nipple and closed the bottle very tight to prevent leaks. I walked out the kitchen and into the living room where cocomelon was on the tv and mani was in her swing sucking on her pacifier.

"Let's go eat baby." I picked her up out the swing then i walked back into the kitchen and got her bottle and shook it up.

I got her feeding pillow out the hall closet and sat it on the couch, then i sat mani down in the middle of the pillow.

I got one of her blankets out her swing and used it prop up her bottle. As kamani ate, i went back into the kitchen and made my plate too and i added more old bay to my personal plate and i got a cup out the cabinet and i poured some berry punch minute made in it too.

She's a spicy gyall 😏

I went back into the living room with my plate and cup and sat it on the coffee table, i pulled my phone out my sweatpants pocket and i went to watch my own instagram story.


I went off instagram nd went to facetime and i facetimed naomi. I started eating my food as i waited for her to pick up.

"Hey bitchhh." Naomi dragged.

"Hey what you up to miss gworl."

She flipped the camera to a sleeping sariyah laying in the middle of her bed.

"Aww." I took a facetime photo.

"What you got going on over there?"

I flipped the camera showing my plate, the tv on cocomelon and mani drinking her bottle. Naomi took a photo of mani.

"Cute shit."

"You got anything planned?"

"I gotta go stop by my dad place and pick up some mail from there and stop by walmart to get some new sheets for my guest room what u doing today?"

"I think ima go on a walk with mani before i got to do some heads and i need to stop by joe's and get some strawberry shortcake ice cream."

"That reminds me.. i need you to install a wig i ordered."

"I got you, you coming to the club tonight?" I asked as i got up and brought my plate to the sink.

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