Failed attempts to befriend her

Start from the beginning

Felix stepped forward, his face displaying a mixture of disappointment and resignation. "How... I should have known better. It was practically spelled out for you to figure it out. Yet, I dared to hope that maybe you wouldn't recognize me," he admitted, his tone tinged with self-deprecation. "Nevertheless, you have made progress since our last encounters."

I couldn't help but agree with his assessment. Felix had been quite ridiculous in his previous attempts to deceive me. "So, now that I am exposed, care to enlighten me about your purpose here?" I inquired, seeking confirmation to avoid any misunderstandings.

He hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly revealed the truth. "I was sent here to look after you... by your father," Felix confessed, his expression reflecting his shame at having failed his mission.

I couldn't help but be taken aback by his response. "Which father?" I blurted out, sudden realization dawning upon me. With recent revelations and upheavals in my life, it was no wonder I was caught off guard. "How many fathers do you have... Plagg, the commander," he replied, clearly perplexed by my question. It was understandable; he was unaware of the significant changes that had transpired in just a few short nights.

A mix of emotions surged within me as the implications sank in. "Does that mean the information I received from headquarters about you being the target of the Joker was false?" I questioned, seeking confirmation. Felix nodded in response, confirming my suspicions. It was an abrupt realization that I had wasted precious time and energy on a false threat.

As I was about to scold Felix for his previous failures, I heard an urgent voice on the other end of the line. It was Happy, notifying me of a pressing problem that required immediate attention. "Miss, we have a problem here. Time is running out," he explained, his tone filled with urgency.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I decided to postpone addressing Felix's shortcomings for now. "I won't spare you or Plagg, but your turns will have to wait," I said tersely, conveying my disappointment without further discussion. There were more pressing matters at hand that required my immediate focus.

With that, I shifted my attention back to the issue at hand and began working on resolving it. Felix took on the responsibility of driving me home, allowing me to concentrate on the task ahead. The journey was long and exhausting, filled with tension and anticipation of what awaited us.

Finally, we arrived home, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Is it working now?" I questioned, seeking reassurance that the problem had been resolved. Happy nodded, indicating that the situation was under control. "Okay, I have contacted some expert technicians, and they should be arriving shortly. I've briefed them on what happened, and they will be implementing a firewall to prevent a recurrence. I've already paid for their services, and they are trusted friends, so we can rely on them to handle the sensitive information," I explained, providing an update on the course of action I had taken.

Ending the call, I felt a sense of accomplishment mixed with lingering fatigue. The immediate crisis had been averted, and measures were being put in place to safeguard against future threats. Now, it was a matter of waiting for the arrival of the technicians, who would fortify our defenses and ensure the security of our systems.

"When did you inform them? I was right here, listening to your conversation from beginning to end," Felix curiously questioned my decision.

"Idiot, I can text them as well. Do I need to call and notify them? As I said, they are my friends, and friends reply to you directly. Unlike you, who doesn't even call me for years after our last mission together," I retorted, exasperated by his questioning.

As I opened the door to my house, ready to finally rest, Felix unexpectedly rushed inside. "I would love to stay here for tonight," he boldly declared, claiming a spot in my home without any invitation.

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