Chapter 40

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(November 1998)

   Me, Gabriel, Joey, Chandler, Monica and Rachel are at Central Perk as Phoebe enters with her nose stuck in a book.

Karina: Hey Sis!.

Gabe: Hey Pheebs!.

Monica: Hey Phoebe!.

Chandler: Hi Pheebs!.

Rachel: Hey Pheebs!.

Joey: Hey Pheebs!.

Rachel: What are you reading?.

Phoebe: Um Wethering Heights. I'm taking a literature class at the New School and I have to finish it for the first session tomorrow.

Chandler: I didn't know you were taking a class. That is so cool.

Phoebe: Yeah!. Well I really liked that Lamaze class I took. Y'know and this time I thought I'd go for something y'know a little more intellectual with a less painful final exam.

Rachel: Honey that sounds like fun.

Phoebe: Yeah!. Oh you should come with me!. Oh yeah then I'd have someone to sit with!.

Rachel: Okay.

Phoebe: Yeah!. Okay-ooh but are you going to have time to read it?.

Rachel: Oh I read that in high school.

Phoebe: This is going to be so much fun!. Okay-sh I have to finish.

Ross: "Enters depressed". Hi.

Karina: What's wrong?. 

Ross: Someone at work ate my sandwich.

Chandler: "Sarcastically". Well what did the police say?.

Ross: My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. I can't believe someone ate it.

Chandler: Ross it's just a sandwich!.

Ross: Just a sandwich?. Look I am 30 years old I'm about to be divorced twice and I just got evicted!. That sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life!. Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life!.

Monica: Okay look I-I have enough stuff for one more sandwich I mean I was going to eat it myself but... 

Ross: That-that would be incredible. Thank you so much. I-I still can't believe someone ate it!. I mean look I left a note and everything. "Shows note to Chandler". 

Chandler: "Reading". Knock-knock. Who's there?. Ross Geller's lunch. Ross Geller's lunch who?. Ross Geller's lunch please don't take me. Okay?.

Joey: I'm surprised you didn't go home wearing your lunch.

Phoebe: Okay look you wanna hold onto your food?. You gotta scare people off. I learned that living on the street.

Ross: Really?. So what would you say Pheebs?. Stuff like uh Keep your mitts off my grub?.

Gabe: Say Ross when you picture Phoebe living on the street is she surrounded by the entire cast of Annie?.

Phoebe: Okay this will keep them away from your stuff. 

Phoebe writes him a note and we all read it.

All: Whoa!. Oh!.

Monica: Phoebe you are a bad ass!.

Phoebe: Someday I'll tell you about the time I stabbed the cop.

Monica: Phoebe?.

Phoebe: Well he stabbed me first!.

(December 1998)

   Me, Gabriel, Chandler, Ross, Joey, Monica and Rachel are at Central Perk. I am currently 4 months pregnant. Phoebe walks into the Central Perk ringing a bell.

Phoebe: Hey you guys guess what?.

Chandler: The British are coming?.

Phoebe: Oh you and your ways. "Shakes bell at him, sits down". Since it's Christmastime. I'm going to be one of those people collection donations.

All: Oh.

Phoebe: "Excitedly". Yeah I already have my bell and later on...I get my bucket.

Chandler: Oh.

Phoebe: Yeah, yeah I'm going to be out there spreading joy to the people. I mean last year I spread a little joy but not really enough. So this year I'm going to do the whole city.

Monica: You know I knew a girl in high school who did that. She was very popular. 

Chandler laughs.

Joey: So Pheebs where are you doing all your bell ringing?.

Phoebe: Oh they gave me a great spot. Right by Macys. Yeah they hardly ever give such a good spot to a rookie but I'm the only one who can sing Merry Christmas in 25 languages. "Smirks". I lied.

Rachel: Oh my god. Ok you guys there's Danny. Watch. Just watch this. 

Danny walks past the couch to the counter.

Rachel: See?. Still pretending he's not interested. Oh he's coming over. Just pretend like we don't know him. We've forgotten who he is.

Danny: Hey guys.

All: Hey Danny.

Monica: Danny?. You know Rachel?. She's nice. She's not bad to look at right?.

Rachel: Thanks Mon.

Danny: Well of course.

Monica: Do you want to go out on a date with her?.

Rachel: Monica!.

Danny: "Looking at Monica". Absolutely!. Is Friday okay?.

Monica: Friday's perfect...She can't wait.

Danny: "To Monica". On the date I will be able to talk to her directly?. "To Rachel". See ya Friday. "Leaves". 

Rachel: "Somewhat angrily". Okay. What the hell was that?. You know what?. Don't answer me. "Giggling". I have a date with Danny.

*Time Lapse*

   Me and Gabriel are at the OB/GYN for our 16 week appointment and we can find out the gender if we decide to. Our doctor is Dr. Oberman a female doctor that delivered Ross's son 4 years ago.

Oberman: "Looking at screen". Are we finding out the gender today?.

Karina: Actually my friend Monica said she can bake a cupcake with the color frosting of the genderinside. We were hoping you could put it in an envelope?.

Oberman: "Smiles". Of course I can.

Dr. Oberman does as we ask and soon we enter Monica and Rachel's.

Karina: Mon we have the gender!. 

Gabe: You can make the cupcake tonight right?.

Monica: Of course. "Excitedly". You are gonna have a baby!. "Goes to kitchen".

   Later that night we are all around the kitchen table and Gabriel and Me take a knife cutting the cupcake in half seeing the color of the frosting inside and we kiss each other as everyone looks and cheers.

All: It's a boy!.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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