Chapter 4

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(Sept 26th 1994)

Everyone is at Central Perk.

Joey: Your folks are really that bad huh?

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Joey: Your folks are really that bad huh?.

Ross: Well y'know these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done.

Monica: Boy I know they say you can't change your parents...boy if you could. "To Ross". I'd want yours.

Ross: "Kisses her forehead". Must pee. "Goes to pee.".

Phoebe: Y'know it's even worse when you're twins.

Rachel: You're twins?.

Phoebe: Yeah. We don't speak. She's like this high-powered, driven career type.

Chandler: What does she do?.

Karina: She's a waitress. We don't exactly get along.

Rachel: All right you guys I kinda gotta clean up now. 

We all start to leave.

Monica: Chandler you're an only child right?. You don't have any of this.

Chandler: Well no although I did have an imaginary friend parents actually preferred.

Rachel: The lights please..

Joey turns off the lights and we all leave as Rachel starts to clean up.

*Time Lapse*

   Everyone is at Monica and Rachel's apartment and watching the tape of the sonogram. Phoebe, Joey, Karina and Chandler are sitting on the coffee table while Ross is standing next to the TV and Monica and Rachel are standing.

Ross: Well?. Isn't that amazing?.

Joey: What are we supposed to be seeing here?.

Chandler: I dunno but...I think it's about to attack the Enterprise.

Phoebe: "Tilting head". You know if you tilt your head to the left and relax your eyes it kinda looks like an old potato.

Ross: Then don't do that alright?.

Phoebe: "Stops". Okay!.

Ross: "Walks over to Monica". Monica. Whaddya think?.

Monica: "Welling up". Mmhm.

Ross: Wh-are you welling up?.

Monica: No.

Ross: You are you're welling up.

Monica: Am not!.

Ross: You're gonna be an aunt.

Monica: "Pushes him, starts to cry". Oh shut up!.

Rachel: "Into phone". Hi Mindy....Hi it-it's Rachel....Yeah I'm fine...I-I saw Barry today...Oh yeah, yeah he-he told me...No, no it's okay. I hope you two are very happy I really do. Oh, oh and Mind y'know if-if everything works out and you guys end up getting married and having kids and everything I just hope they have his old hairline and your old nose. "Slams the phone down, To everyone". Okay I know it was a cheap shot but I feel so much better now. "Sits down".

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