Chapter 37

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(July 1998)

   Gabriel is at work and I just woke up. As I wake up I feel like I am about to be sick and I run to the bathroom and throw up. I look at my calendar I keep in our bathroom.

Karina: Crap.

   I quickly get dressed and run out the door as I head out of the building I see a 7 months pregnant Phoebe about to walk in.

Karina: Hey Pheebs.

Phoebe: Hey Karina!...Why aren't you smiling?.

Karina: I'm sorry I am late for work.

Phoebe: Your job doesn't start for another hour?.

Karina: Uh early shift. I gotta go!.

   I run away and run down the road to the nearest clinic and sign myself in. After waiting 30 minutes in the doctors office and then getting examined the doctor comes back in.

???: Karina. Your  assumptions are correct. I'd say you are 6 weeks along.

Karina: "In shock". Thank you Doctor.

*Time Lapse*

I enter the office at Ora's Inc and see Kelly at her computer.

Kelly: Karina you are in early. You don't start for another 10 minutes.

Karina: I had a doctors appointment. 

   I sit down at my desk trying to get my doctors appointment out of my mind and we go on about our day...After work Gabe enters the office as I am getting my things together.

Karina: "Smiles". Hey Gabe.

Gabe: Hey Kar. "Smiles". 

   We leave the office together and as we head down the street to Central Perk I decide to break the news.

Karina: Gabe we have been together for a year and half now...

Gabe: I know. "Smiles".

Karina: Gabe I'm 6 weeks pregnant.

Gabriel looks at me shocked and I stare at him to see how he would react.

Gabe: Pregnant?...You're pregnant.

Karina: I went to the doctor this morning when I realized I was late. There has been so much going on we didn't even notice...Gabe we are gonna be parents in 8 months. That's if you want to be a father-

Gabe: "Picks her up, Twirls her, Puts her down". Of course I want to be a father. I love you and I love this baby.

I smile at my boyfriend and he kisses me.

Gabe: When do we tell everyone?.

Karina: Maybe wait till after Ross and Emily's wedding.

Me and Gabriel agree and talk about when to tell our friends.

(August 1998)

   Everyone else has left for the wedding except for Me, Phoebe and Rachel. Gabriel went to the wedding and I decided to come up with a lie to stay behind and that is not feeling well. Later that night I get a call form a hotel.

Karina: "Into phone". Hello?.

(Gabe: Karina it's me. Just checking in.)

Karina: "Smiles, Into phone". Hello Gabe.

(Gabe: How is the baby?.)

Karina: "Into Phone". Baby is all good. "Smiles". 8 weeks along and healthy. Don't worry.

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