Chapter 12

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(May 1995)

In the Waiting Room Phoebe is playing a song as Me, Chandler, Monica and Ross listen.

Phoebe: "Sings". They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch and soon they'll grow up and resent you so much. Now they're yelling at you and you don't know why, you cry and you cry and you cry. And you cry and you cry and you cry...

Ross gives Phoebe a dollar.

Phoebe: Thanks Ross.

Ross: Yeah. I'm paying you to stop.

Phoebe: Ok.

A woman passes by carrying newborn twins.

Phoebe: Oh look twins. Hi guys. Oh cute, cute.

   Me and Phoebe then get into a conversation about babies and how cute they are and then Rachel enters in a dress.

Rachel: Hey.

Phoebe: Hey. Oh look at you dressy-dress.

Monica: Did you go home and change?.

Rachel: Yeah well it's an important day. I wanna look nice. Um has uh Dr. Franzblau been by?.

Karina: No I haven't seen him.

Rachel: Well where is he?. He is supposed to be here...What if the baby needs him?.

Chandler: Rachel what is the deal with you and doctors anyway?. Was like your father a doctor?.

Rachel: Yeah why?.

Chandler: No reason. "Turns around". 

*Time Lapse*

   Hours later everyone except for Phoebe, Ross and Susan are in Carol's room as she is ready to give birth to a baby boy.

Carol: Where are they?.

Monica: I'm sure they'll be here soon.

Rachel: Yeah honey they wouldn't miss this.

Joey: Relax. You're only at nine centimeters. And the baby's at zero station.

Chandler: "To Joey". You are really frightening me.

Carol suddenly screams in pain and grabs Chandler by the shirt.

Chandler: Somebody wanna help me trying to rip out my heart.

We pull Carol's hand off of him.

Chandler: Uh that's great. "Looking around". Anybody seen a nipple?.

Dr. Franzblau: All right ten centimeters here we go.

Nurse: All right honey time to start pushing.

Carol: But they're not here yet!.

Dr. Franzblau: I'm sorry I can't tell the baby to wait for them.

Carol: Oh god.

A while later Ross and Susan rush in.

All: Push, push!.

Ross: We're here!.

Carol: Where have you been?.

Ross: Long story honey.

Dr. Franzblau: All right Carol I need you to keep pushing. I need. "Reaches for an instrument, Rachel's hand is on it". Excuse me could I have this?.

Nurse: All right, all right there's a few too many people in this room and there's about to be one more so anybody who's not an ex-husband or a lesbian life partner out you go!.

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