Chapter 34

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(October 1997)

At Monica and Rachel's everyone is eating breakfast and Chandler is cleaning out his wallet.

Phoebe: Hey!. New wallet huh?.

Chandler: Yeah it was time. The old condom ring in the leather just doesn't say cool anymore.

Gabe: I'd say it wasn't cool in the first place.

Chandler glares at Gabriel and I laugh and Gabriel smiles at me.

Monica: Rachel!.

Rachel: What?.

Monica: You just put an empty carton back in the fridge!.

Rachel: Oh yeah I know but the garbage was full.

Monica: Have you ever taken out the trash?. "Hands her garbage".

Rachel: Well I thought you liked doing it. 

Rachel starts out the door and stops.

Monica: Third door on the left.

Rachel: Right!. "Leaves". 

Monica: So Karina. What about this guy you have been seeing?. For what 7 months now?.

Karina: Actually we've only been going on dates 7 months. We've been official for 6 months. And we are keeping things private for now.

Rachel returns in tears.

Monica: God!. If you're gonna cry about it!. 

Monica grabs the box and goes to through it out and soon Rachel is telling us what happened.

Joey: Whoa-whoa Treeger made you cry?.

Rachel: Yes!. And he said really mean things that were only partly true.

Joey: I'm gonna go down there and teach that guy a lesson.

Monica: Joey please don't do that. I think it's best that we just forget about it.

Rachel: That's easy for you to say you weren't almost just killed.

Joey: All right that's it school is in session!. "Leaves, Slams door". 

Monica: "Picking up card from Chandler's wallet". My God!. Is this a gym card?.

Chandler: Oh yeah gym member. I try to go four times a week but I've missed the last 1200 times.

Ross: So why don't you quit?.

Chandler: You don't think I've tried?. You think I like having 50 dollars taken out of my bank account every month?. No they make you go all the way down there!. Then they use all of these phrases and peppiness to try and confuse you!. Then they bring out Maria.

Ross: Who is Maria?.

Chandler: Oh Maria. You can't say no to her she's like this lucre spandex covered gym...treat.

Ross: You need me to go down there with you and hold your hand?.

Chandler: No!.

Ross: So you're strong enough to face her on your own?.

Chandler: Oh no you'll have to come.

*Time Lapse*

We are still eating breakfast.

Phoebe: Oh please somebody tell me I don't have to go to work today!.

Monica: What's the matter?.

Phoebe: Oh my first massage today is this incredibly gorgeous guy and every time I see him I just want to do things to him that I'm not allowed to charge for.

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