Chapter 7

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(November 10th 1994)

Everyone is at Monica and Rachel's as Chandler is telling everyone a co-worker thinks he's gay.

Chandler: Couldn't enjoy a cup of noodles after that. I mean is that ridiculous?. Can you believe she actually thought that?.

Rachel: Um...yeah. Well I mean when I first met you y'know I thought maybe possibly you might be.

Chandler: You did?.

Rachel: Yeah but then you spent Phoebe's entire friends birthday party talking to my breasts so then I figured maybe not.

Chandler: Huh. Did uh...any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me?

Monica: I did.

Phoebe: Yeah I think so yeah.

Joey: Not me.

Karina: Me neither.

Ross: No, no me neither. Although uh y'know back in college Susan Sallidor did.

Chandler: You're kidding!. Did you tell her I wasn't?.

Ross: No. No it's just cause uh I kinda wanted to go out with her too so I told her actually, you were seeing Bernie Spellman...who also liked her so...

Joey congratulates Ross, sees Chandler's look and stops.

Chandler: Well this is fascinating. So uh what is it about me?.

Phoebe: I dunno cause you're smart, you're funny...

Chandler: Ross is smart and funny d'you ever think that about him?.

All: Yeah!. Right!.

Chandler: What is it?!.

Monica: Okay I-I d'know you-you just you have a quality.

All: Yes. Absolutely. A quality.

Chandler: Oh, oh a quality good because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this.

The phone rings and Monica gets it.

Monica: "Into Phone". Hello?. Hello?. Oh!. Rachel it's Paolo calling from Rome.

Rachel: Oh my God!. Calling from Rome!. "Takes phone, Into Phone". Bon giorno, caro mio.

Ross: "To Joey". So he's calling from Rome. I could do that. Just gotta go to Rome.

Rachel: Monica your dad just beeped in but can you make it quick?. Talking to Rome. "Showing off to Phoebe and Chandler". I'm talking to Rome.

Monica: "Into Phone". Hey dad what's up?...Oh God. Ross it's Nana.

*Time Lapse*

   Later on Me, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey and Rachel are at Central Perk and Chandler is still asking questions why others think he's gay.

Chandler: I just have to know okay. Is it my hair?.

Rachel: "Exasperated". Yes Chandler that's exactly what it is. It's your hair.

Phoebe: Yeah you have homosexual hair.

Monica and Ross enter.

Rachel: So um did she...

Ross: Twice.

Joey: Twice?.

Phoebe: Oh that sucks!.

Karina: You guys okay?.

   I look at Ross and Monica worried because after loosing my mom Lily I know how hard it is loosing someone you love.

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