Chapter 10

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(February 16th 1995)

   Everyone except Joey are at Monica and Rachel's apartment waiting for Phoebe to arrive to surprise her for her birthday party. Rachel and Monica are telling us about her hurt foot.

Rachel: So he said it was just a sprain and that was it.

Monica: Uh you left out the stupid part.

Rachel: Not stupid. The very cute, cute, cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow night and I said yes.

Monica: I think it's totally insane I mean they work for the hospital. It's like returning to the scene of the crime. You know I say we blow off the dates.

Rachel: What?. Monica they are cute, they are doctors. "Spelling it out in the air". Cute doctors, doctors who are cute!.

Chandler: "Sarcastically". Alright what have we learned so far?.

   I chuckle as there is a knock at the door. Someone turns the music off and then the whole party runs and hides except for Monica and Rachel who answer the door and soon everyone hops up.

The Whole Party: "Jumping up, Yells". Surprise!.

   I then see Ross and he is so startled that he throws his arms up to defend himself. The box he was holding takes off then lands with a squishy thud. 

Ross: What the hell are you doing?. You scared the crap outta me.

Rachel: Was that the cake?.

Ross: Yeah, yeah. I got a lemon schmush.

Monica: Come on she'll be here any minute.

The whole party gathers round as Ross puts the box on the coffee table.

Rachel: I hope it's okay.

As Ross opens the lid everybody looks at the mess inside.

Monica: Oh...

Karina: "Reading". Happy Birthday Peehe.

Monica: Well maybe we can make a, a, a B out of one of those roses.

Ross: "Still annoyed". Yeah we'll just use our special cake tools.

Phoebe: "Enters". Hey what's going on?.

Ross: Oh we just...

All: Surprise!.

Phoebe: "Delighted". Oh, oh, oh!. This is so great!. Oh my god!. This was not at all scary. Hi everybody. Hi Betty!. Betty Hi!. "Thrilled". You found Betty!. Oh my god!. "Hugging people". This is great. Everybody I love is in the same room. "Still happy". Where's Joey?.

Everything gets quiet until Chandler speaks up.

Chandler: Did you see Betty?.

Betty wiggles her fingers to say Hi.

Karina: "Hugs Phoebe". I am so sorry Phoebe. 

(April 6th 1995)

Everyone but Rachel are at Central Perk.

Chandler: I am telling you years from now school children will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all time. It was unbelievable!. We could totally be ourselves we didn't have to play any games.

Karina: So have you called her yet?.

Chandler: Let her know I like her?. What are you insane?. 

Me and the girls make disgusted noises.

Chandler: It's the next day!. How needy do I want to seem?. "To the guys". I'm right, right?.

Joey, Ross: Oh yeah. Yeah. Let her dangle.

Phoebe's Little SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora