Chapter 35

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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Your POV

We were on our way home now. I was so happy. Yesterday, we had our next-to-last show in Orlando. Our last show will be in Miami. We decided to have the first and last show there.

We were only an hour away from our lovely home, where our beautiful girlfriend would be waiting. It was 8 a.m., so Camila and I were on our tour bus in the back, where we had a big bed for ourselves. We couldn't sleep because we were too excited.

We were cuddling, and a movie was playing in the background, but we were talking the whole time about everything and nothing. We were a little sad that our tour was coming to an end, but we were more than happy to be back home and spend our time with Lauren.

After her surprise visit, she stayed the week with us. We spend a lot of time with the other girls. That was now ten days ago, and I missed them like crazy again.

Camila and I had a little plan to make our last show epic and to ask the girls and Lauren to perform too so that the fans would go crazy. Tonight we will meet up with them, and then we will suggest it, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we can plan and have a show practice.


Camila and I hurried outside the bus. I saw Lauren waiting at the front door, so I started running into her open arms. We clung to each other, only breaking apart when Camila complained about wanting a hug too.

'Come here, baby'

Lauren took her into her arms and kissed her passionately. I smiled at them, happy that we were together again.

'Let's go inside; the boys will take our things inside for us'

We did and made our way to the bedroom. Camila and I slumped down on the bed.

'Oh, I missed this so much. I love this bed'.

'Camz, tune it down, or I would have to think that you love and miss the bed more than me'

'It was a close run, but you won'

'Well.. thanks? I guess'

I laughed at them.

'Laur, come here and cuddle us'

Lauren made her way over to us and took us both into her arms.

'I'm so happy that we don't have to say goodbye anymore'

'Me too. We've been long enough without you.

It was now evening, and the girls were on their way over. Lauren, Camila, and I had moved over to the living room. All day we've been cuddled up together, and some might say we may be too clingy, but we didn't care because we missed each other a lot.




'Lolo, no!'

'Oh, come on! We haven't seen each other in so long.


I laughed at them. Lauren was holding onto Camila while she was struggling to get away.

'It won't even hurt. I will be gentle.'

'Y/N, please tell her'

'I can't help you, Cami; I understand her; I would like to do that too'

'Seeeee! Turn around!'

'Lauren, I'm not going to let you bite my ass'

'But I missed it'

Camila just looked blankly at her. Lauren pounded her lips and did her best puppy look. I know Camila will give in in a second.

'Stoop it. Don't look at me like this.

Lauren didn't stop.

'Okay. Fine.'

Camila turned around, standing up with her ass in Lauren's face. Lauren smiled brightly. She took the ass in her hands, squeezed hardly, and then sank her teeth into Camila's right cheek. Camila moaned lightly.

Lauren pulled away with a satisfied look on her face. Camila turned around with a little glare on her face.

'Thank you, Camzii'

I laughed at them.

'You are both crazy'

'Oh, come on, we both know that you like that'

'I love it'

I grinned at Camila and pulled her over on my lap. Hugging her from behind and holding her tightly.

'I love you'

'I love you, Y/NN'

The doorbell rang, and Lauren got up to get it. Camila turned her head my way and connected our lips. What started out as a simple kiss became a make-out session, which was cut short when our friends and Lauren came inside the living room.

'You two should be sick of one another after being all living second together on tour. Come here and hug your best friend, Walzz'.

'I could never be sick of this one'

I grinned at that and nodded my head. Camila got up and hugged Dinah, while I got up and hugged Ally and Mani. They all sat down in the living room while I got some drinks ready.

'So how is it being back home?'

'Like heaven. Being able to lay down in our bed again and sleep in our bed again and just having the bed again'

When I got everything ready, I sat down beside Ally and pulled her into my body, cuddling her. I missed her.

'I figured Camila pretty much missed the bed more than me'

We laughed because we all know that nothing can come between Camila and her bed or food. Camila smiled bashfully and shrugged her shoulders, but then moved over to Lauren, cuddled up to her, and whispered something in her ear. Lauren nodded lightly and gave Camila's temple a kiss.

We were enjoying our time together, talking, laughing, and catching up, and I figured it was the right time to ask the girls if they wanted to perform on our last show.

'Cami? Maybe we can ask them now?'

Camila lifted her head from Lauren's shoulder and nodded with a smile. The others looked confused but curious.

'So Camila and I have been thinking about our last show. We want to make a big show and flash the fans, and we kind of wanted to ask you to be a part of it?'

'Like how?'

I turned to look at Dinah.

'Well, we would love for you to perform your songs and also do one or two songs together.'

I saw Mani nodding.

'Yeah, that would be cool. I'm down'

'Me too'

I smiled at Dinah and Mani and turned my head to look at Ally, who was still cuddled up to me.


'Of course I'm in'

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then we all looked at Lauren.


'You want me to perform too?'

Camila turned her whole body around to face Lauren.

'Of course we want that. Why wouldn't we?'

'I don't know; I just thought that maybe it would be wired for me to be on stage with you'

I now regret not asking Lauren in private. She told us she was hurt by pretending to be just our friend, and we kind of never talked about it again.

'Let's talk later about this.'

I butted in before Camila had a chance to say something. There was now a wired tension, which was very unusual.

'So what did you have in mind for us to perform?'

Mani asked, but her eyes were fixed on Lauren. I know she wanted to know if she was okay, and I did too because she didn't look like it. It was like she was lost in thoughts, but not good ones. You could see it on her face.

'Let's discuss everything tomorrow.'

I gave Ally a subtle nudge. She nodded and then started standing up.

'I think I'm going to head home. It's getting kind of late, and if we want to do this, we should start early tomorrow.'

Mani and Dinah got the hint too and got up too.

'Yeah, I'm with Smalz on this one'

We all moved to say our goodbyes, and I led them outside while Camila and Lauren started cleaning up.

'Thanks girls. We will talk tomorrow.

'Yeah, call me if you need anything.'

'I will thank you, Ally'

Mani turned to me before leaving.

'Please make sure she is okay'

'I will, Mani. Thank you.'

'Okay. Bye. Love you'

'Love you too'

I closed the door, took a deep breath, and walked back to the living room, where Camila and Lauren were sitting. Camila was playing with Lauren's fingers, and she just looked down at them.

'I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make things awkward.'

'No, Lo, you didn't. Just tell us, What's on your mind?'

I walked over to them and sat down in front of them both on the coffee table.

'Well, I want to tell everyone about us.'

Lauren lifted her head and looked at us.

'I know it's happening fast, and I'm not sure how the media and everyone are going to react, but I'm sure about one thing, and that is the love that I have for you both. I'm sure about this. I'm sure about us, and I want to let everyone know because I'm sick of pretending not to be with you, and it's even harder when you two can act on your feelings outside and I can't. It's not that I'm jealous of that, but it's more like I want to be able to hold your hands and kiss you without constantly having to think about what I can or can't do when there are people around. I once made the mistake of not opening up, and I'm not going to make it again. I know how much it hurt back then, and I now know how it feels.'

Lauren said the last part, looking at me. I nodded, processing what she just said.

'Well, I'm not against coming out. I would love the fans to know that I'm lucky enough to call the two of the most beautiful women, inside and out, my girlfriends.'

They both looked at me with big smiles on their faces.


Camila turned her head to face Lauren.

'Of course I want everyone to know, babe. I'm in love with you, and I would love for people to know that..'

'I have a feeling there is a but coming'

'There is.. well, but we need to prepare ourselves for a lot of shit to be thrown at us. There will be supporters, but there will also be hate.

'I know that'

Lauren's face changed to a sad frown. Camila took Lauren's hand into hers and stroked her thumb over it.

'Again, but I think it will be totally worth it, and I think that we will get through it because we have each other and there isn't anything that could break us apart.'

Lauren's face was back to smiling, and I nodded at Camila.

'Well, let's take our last show to break the news'

'What do you have in mind, baby?'

I smirked at them.

'We will break the internet'

We laughed at that and then started planning our last show. Which is on the 1st of December, which is also our 5-month anniversary.


Monday, November 30, 2020

The girls and I met up early today. We needed to put a show together. Camila and I cut some songs out of the set list and told the dancers and band which songs we would do. For the 'new' songs on the set list, we will break it down. We aren't going to have dancers or a big show for that, but it will be us singing, having fun, and blowing the minds of our fans.


Feel It Twice (Camren / You)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt