Chapter 8

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Your Pov

"Baby, are you ready?"

I yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming."

As she was stepping down the stairs, I looked her up and down.

"Wow, you look beautiful!"

I can't believe how someone as beautiful inside and out, like her, is my girlfriend.

"Stop starring, babe!"

"Well, I can't."

I was checking her out some more. I took her hands in mine, pulling her closer to me and putting my hands around her.

"Kiss me!"

She did as I was told and took my lips between hers. I can't get over the feeling of her kissing me. We stopped kissing and stood there, hugging each other and forgetting the time.

"Baby, I think we need to go; we promised Dinah to help her get everything ready for the party. As much as I love holding you like that, if we get there later than the guest, she will kill us."

Camila said, laughing lightly.

"I know. I love you!"

I stepped back and kissed her one more time.

"I love you, babe".


At Dinah's


I've heard Camila yell as I was stepping inside.



Getting into the kitchen, Dinah stood with Camila Koala-hugging her.

"Allycat, come here! I missed you!"

I hugged my best friend.

"Heyy, Y/NN, we saw each other a week ago."

I laughed with her.

"Yes, but still."

I moved on to Dinah, hugging her while Camila was hugging Ally.

"Ally, you know her; even if you two saw each other yesterday, she would say that she missed you."

"Hey, let me be. I just love my best friend that much!"

"Aww, I love you too! Don't ever stop doing that; I'm not complaining."

"Okay, so what do we need to do?"

''Oh, nothing; it's all done!"

"So why did you want us to come here so early?"

I was faking annoyed.

"Weeell, there is something I need to tell you two."

She was looking at Ally. Ally nodded and took my hand, leading me to the couch and sitting me down. Dinah did the same to Camila. We sat there next to each other. I looked at her with raised eyebrows. Camila shrugged.

"What is this about?"

Dinah sat on the table in front of us. Ally stood behind her, squeezing her shoulder, so she started.

"Well, there is someone coming tonight."


Ally gave me a look to shut up and let her talk. I nodded and looked at Dinah. She sat there and looked up, meeting Camila's eyes and then mine.

"You know, there is someone I met—well, not met because we knew the person before—but there is someone I'm seeing, and you know."

"Dinah, it's okay; stop rembeling; just tell us."

Camila took Dinah's hands in hers. It's unusual to see her like this; Dinah is usually so brave.

"Okay, ehm, the person I'm seeing is Mani."

She said it in one breath.


Camila and I said it in unison.

"You're seeing Mani? The Mani? Normani Kordei?"


Dinah's answer was a whisper.

"You like women?"

Camila was shocked.


Dinah whispered again.

"Dinah, that's.."

"I know, I'm sorry. I fell for her; I couldn't control it."

"No, Dinah, that's not what I meant to say... I'm so happy for you. We both are."

Camila looked at me for support.

"Yes absolutley! You don't need to apologise; it's beautiful. If she makes you happy, that's all we want."

Camila nodded, taking Dinah into a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, I thought you would be mad because, you know, she and her are best friends."

Dinah was looking down again.

"Yes, and?"

Camila asked. I was confused too.

"I don't know; I think that maybe there will be times where Mani and I want to be with our friends, like chill out and stuff. I just.. It's weird.. I don't know. She would like to have her there, and I would like to have you guys there, but I don't want to put you in these kinds of situations."

"Dinah, we're both happy now with each other; I don't think it will be that dramatic, right?"

I asked Camila, not sure myself.


She dragged that way too much for it to be a normal answer.

''Okay, maybe it would, but it's nothing we have to deal with right now."

I was hoping to put this conversation and topic on hold.


I turned my head to look at Ally.


Camila asked now, looking at her too.

"She is coming tonight, isn't she?''

My breath hitched with the question.

"We don't know. I told Mani that I would talk to you guys and that it's okay to bring her, but she never told me if she would."

Dinah had an apologetic tone. I looked at Camila; she was staring at the floor.

"You're saying that maybe tonight will be the night we'll see her again."

She was still not looking up.

"It could be."

I don't know what happened next. We sat there in complete silence. I couldn't believe that we were going to see her. I wondered what it would be like. I don't know how to act around her. There were a thousand thoughts running through my mind. I took Camila's hand in mine, pulled her up, and went into Dinah's bedroom. I sat her down on the bed and sat beside her, never letting go of her hand.



"Do you think we're ready to see her?"

That's when she met my eyes, the first time after Dinah's confession. She looked unsure. Her eyes were focusing on mine.

"I love you."

I wasn't expecting this, but I didn't hesitate.

"And I love you!"

"I know I'm over the things that happened; I'm happy with you, and it will be like that after meeting her, but I know it's going to be awkward at first."

Camila's eyes never left mine. I thought about her words.

"You're right. I think I'm ready to see her, but I don't think it will be a pleasant feeling; it's really going to be awkward and maybe even uncomfortable. I'm just thinking, maybe tonight is the night we can talk about everything, don't you think?"

I considered that maybe tonight we can clear everything; maybe she will be up to it.

"You know, we will see. We can't decide for her. She needs to want this too."

"That's what I love about you; she hurt us, but still, you want to consider her feelings too. No matter how much someone hurts you or what a person does, you still want the best for them too."

I was happy to have a considerate girlfriend.

After our talk, we went back to the living room. There was Dinah sitting on the couch with Ally holding her. Dinah had her head in her hands and was sniffling. Camila hurried to her side.

"What's wrong?"

She was shocked to see her best friend like this. I was too.

"She thinks you hate her."

"Noo, we don't hate you."

Camila and I said, at the same time.

"Why would you say that, Dinah? We love you; it's okay; we want to talk to her."

"Yes, we think it's finally time to discuss things, if she feels comfortable enough. How could I hate you? You're my best friend. Come here."

She was hugging Dinah.


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