"Right, guess we'll find out then." He got out of the car and so did I. I went around the car and followed him inside. The inside was nice just like the outside.

It was small but comfortable. "Make sure you take off your shoes." I quickly did so and put them against the wall. I stood up straight and waited for him to tell me what to do next.

"The couch has a pull out so you'll sleep there." He motioned me to go over and look at it. I went into the living room and saw a small black cat laying on the couch.

Eraserhead turned around to get pillows from the cabinet. "He's not comfortable around new people so just don't pick him right away."

Too late.

By the time Eraserhead turned around I had the cat in my arms and I was petting down his fur. "He seems pretty comfortable to me." He was purring, aw.

Eraserhead looked slightly shocked but ignored it. "Anyway, I'll make us something to eat just stay put." Before he left he said something else. "Don't go anywhere else."

He seemed scarier when he said that. I just nodded and sat on the couch with the cat still in my hands. I lifted the cat to look into his eyes.

They were light blue and they were big. He meowed so I took that as a sign to let him go. He didn't go far he sat right next to me on the couch.

I began to think about myself, and what kind of person I must have been before I lost my memory. I wonder if I was nice or a total asshole.

I don't think I would mind either of those scenarios.

After a while, Eraserhead called me into the kitchen. I quickly went and saw him getting bowls from the cabinet. "Do you need help?" He side-viewed me. "No."

Okay... I just sat down and waited for him. He set a bowl in front of me including a spoon and he did the same to his side of the table which was right across from me.

He finally sat down and began to eat. Once I tasted the food he made I began praying that I would get my memory back soon so I could get the hell out of here.

I forcefully swallowed the food and stopped so my taste buds could have a break. It was quiet, Eraserhead was so focused on eating his brown slop.

I sat there for a moment deciding on what to say. "So what's it like being a hero?" He looked up at me for a moment and then went back to eating.

What a jerk.

"What did I do?" He stopped again but this time he didn't look at me. "I did something, didn't I? That's why you and those people at the hospital keep looking at me weirdly."

While Eraserhead's eyes were just distant everyone else looked scared of me but why? What have I done that made those people's blood run cold?

I realization hit me. "Is that why I was shot? Because I did something bad?" I wanted answers desperately. I just wanted to know who I am.

He finally looked at me. "I told you before the shot was an accident." I can't believe that not when he's clearly hiding something from me.

"How bad was I?" I don't know why but I began to feel scared...of myself. He sat there silently, just looking at me. "That's what I'd like to know." He doesn't know, how can he not know?

Does anyone know? Is there anyone out there that knows me and if so where are they? Maybe there isn't anyone and I was just...lost or something.

I set my spoon down and got up from the table. "Where are you going?" He asked in a stern voice. "To lay down on the couch."

I slightly turned my head to him. "Thanks for dinner, but I'm not hungry anymore."

I just want to sleep and pray my memories come back when I wake.

Aizawa's Pov:

It was about nine at night when my phone started to buzz.

I picked it up and answered it. "Hello, Aizawa!" I sighed. "Nezu why are you calling?" I put down my pen and listened to him speak.

"I heard the villain you caught the other day has no memory of who she is or what happened to her." Who told him all this?

I hmmed. "Yeah, she's staying with me until she gets her memory back and then the commission will deal with her after." I got up to refill my cup with the black coffee I had made earlier.

"I assumed that was the plan so I have come up with a little...detour plan." I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying but I didn't speak and let him continue what he was saying.

"How do you think the hero commission would feel about letting Ms. L/n come to UA?"

I stopped what I was doing and started to listen carefully. "What are suggesting?" He can't be talking about letting her join the hero course and it doesn't make sense for her to join any of the other courses.

"Well, what I was thinking of was a class just for her." I took my cup back to the table but I hadn't sat down yet. "A class just for her?"

I looked over to the couch. "Yes, a class where she can learn right from wrong." I sighed at the idea. "Okay, but when she gets her memory back she's most likely gonna go back to her old ways."

Nezu hmmed. "Yes, but someone did mention that wouldn't be for a while now. That gives us some time to show her the right direction." It was a good idea but I wasn't sure.

If she gets her memory back while she's at UA, there's no telling what she'll do. We could be putting the whole school at risk.

"Aizawa, this girl has lost ten years of her life to those villains. No matter what kind of situation she was in she deserves to be shown the right path. It's our duty as heroes and teachers to guide her there."

I mentally groaned. All this work for one teenage girl. I stood at the living room door frame and saw she was still asleep.

Dammit Nezu. "Alright, where do even begin with that?"

1620 Words

How was it?

In like all my stories Aizawa has a cat named Oboro...it's sad but I like it so

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