"Nice" I noted

"Alright. Got it." Cody squeaked.


"I think I know why you're shooting me down" Cody said to gwen


Scarlett: ummm, because you're a loser?


"it's because of Trent, isn't it?". No shit, sherlock. "I'm pretty tight with Trent". I've never seen them talk. "I could put in a good word if you want?". Why would you help get your crush with someone?

"Wow, that's really cool of you" Gwen smiled.

"Oh dear god..." I said, rubbing my eyes under my glasses.

"If you could get us in the same boat on the way home, I'll totally owe you one!" Gwen said. gwen, you big dummy.

"Interesting you should say that, as I'm in a bit of trouble myself" Cody said

"What do you mean?" Gwen asked.

"I kinda bet Owen that if I could get your bra, he'd do my dishes for the rest of the competition" Cody said. This time, he got two oars to the balls.

"Right. Asking too much. Got it." he squeaked.

We got to the island.

Our canoes bumped along the shore line.

"Ok, did you see that skull? How cool is that? it's like this place is haunted or something!" Izzy said in excitement.

"let's just get this over with!" Gwen said, picking up the front of our canoe.

We all started running with our canoes.

A tree fell down and blocked our path.

"I think I saw something!" cody said in alarm.

Some weird massive beavers came out of the bushes.

"MONSTER BEAVERS!" Cody yelled.

We all ran away, until we were standing in some ankle deep water.

The beavers left.

"hey, they're leaving!" Trent smiled

"no shit" I muttered

"Did anyone pack a change of underwear?" Owen asked, making us laugh. "No, seriously" he added, making us grossed out.

Some weird goose things flew down. We started running again.

"Someone do something!" Gwen exclaimed

"Oh wait!" Cody said, before pulling a whole fucking loaf of bread out of his pants.

"Where did that come from?" Gwen questioned

"I was gonna make us a little romantic picnic" Cody said

"With bread from your pants?" I asked

"Just throw it already!" Trent said.

Cody tossed the bread, making the geese leave.

The killer bass ran past us.

"Come on! the race isn't over yet! We still have to BURN stuff!" Izzy yelled excitedly

"She's not wrong" I agreed.

We kept running.

"I can see the other team!" Trent said

"They're taking the path on the right" Gwen added

Total drama island Nerd loveWhere stories live. Discover now