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"You got married I see," jungkook stated in a low tone while we were dancing.

I didn't reply, I tried to see Jimin but I was facing the other side.

"But he's mute,"

Those words caught my attention almost immediately.

"Yes he is, words aren't quite the issue to a person like him,"

A smile rose on my face thinking about him. It's weird that everytime I think of him, I end up smiling like an idiot.

"Was it an arranged marriage?"

My eyes trailed up to meet his, "Yeah. My parents got me married to him. Probably one of the best thing they've done in their life other than loving Yu-na-"

I found myself blabbering out before biting my tongue to stop myself.

"It's okay, I understand. But... do you even like him or he's just a reason to get away from your parents?"

"I love him, Jungkook."

His reaction was kind of surprised type as if like he didn't expected to hear this at all.

"I love him so much. I cannot imagine living without him now. He changed me in so many ways. He give me feelings I can't put into words. Yes he's mute, he cannot talk and honestly I couldn't care less. He makes me so much happier than normal words ever can."

I ended up smiling like an idiot as always. Jungkook looked at me for a few minutes, his eyes weren't satisfied with my answer.

"You're whipped for him, aren't you?"

I shrugged.

"Well, he is handsome and charming,"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? Saying this in front of the most charming man in the whole world?"

I laughed, "I would like you to open your eyes and look around your surroundings and find a clean mirror to have a better look of yourself."

Jungkook was taken back by my savage words but he laughed anyways.

"You didn't talk too much before, I'm glad that you're doing it now."

That's all because of Jimin. I talk to him like every second which broke the shyness of using words inside me.

I was dancing with him when my eyes fell on the spot Jimin should've been standing. He wasn't there anymore. He was gone.

Oh no...


To be continued...

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