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I started to have nightmares quite frequently.

As a result, I woke up in the middle of the night drowning in sweat.

I was fighting with the air to breath properly, trying my best to calm down.

There is a big trauma living inside me because of my parent's cruelty.

It completely slipped off my mind that he woke up due to my clumsiness.

And when I noticed, the panic grew bigger.

I started to apologize right away, my hands trembling.

"I'm s-so sorry!" I cried.

He looked at me for a second before shushing me and holding my hands softly between his.

Not so long before slowly pulling me into a warm hug.

He gently patted my back which instantly calmed me down.

I felt like my heart stopped beating at those times.

A wave of confusion washed me over as my heart ran a marathon inside my chest.

This kind of tenderness and warmth I had never encountered before.

He held my hand the rest of the night, pulling me into his arms every once and then.

It felt weird inside my stomach.

But as well as protected, safe and secure.

Something I hadn't felt since the day I was born.

Is this how it feels to be loved?


To be continued...

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