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I was blown away to see that it was my husband, fully changed into a new outfit.

He took a seat right in front of me.

I stared at him surprisingly , confusion written all over my face.

He softly smiles at me, a kind of smile which were full of regret and apologies.

Taking a plate he started to eat all the dishes I cooked for him.

A part of me didn't wanted him to eat the cold food.

But he complimented on each and every one of my dishes, signing me that they were very delectable.

I got a hold of myself after realising the situation, "Please don't force yourself... You said you were full earlier. You don't have to eat it."

His phone were dead from the first, when he charged his phone after coming back home, he saw my message.

Then he dressed properly and came to have dinner with me.

He's full but he's still eating.


My cooking isn't even that good.

He stopped eating for a bit and looked at me seriously, and through sign language he told,

"I never forced myself on anything with you. As much as I'm hating myself for today's incident, I know I disappointed you even more. You don't have to hide your emotions like this. I want you to be more comfortable to me. Tell me whatever you feel inside immediately. Tell me when you're disappointed, when you're angry, when you're in pain, when you want something from me, when I make mistakes. I cannot talk but I'll do anything to make it up for you, I promise. I love you so much my love..."

He started muching on his food again and gazed at me lovingly.

My lips parted, heart softened while my eyes fell on my lap, a tear left my eye.

My love...?


To be continued...

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