"Okay then, give me the number," I hesitantly say. As far as I'm concerned, my mother has chosen booze over me years ago, and we haven't had a mother and daughter relationship since, but I guess I could still see what she wanted.

After that, I talk to Tessa some more, then we hang up, and I feel just as confused as before, if not more.

I pass around the hotel room, then eventually dial the number.

"Hello?" A voice I barely even recognize says at the other end of the line.

I feel nervous all of a sudden. I find myself chewing on my nails, something I haven't done in years.

"Um... hi, momma, it's..." I start to say, but she interrupts me immediately.

"Melody, I know my daughter's voice," she says softly, and I'm a little shocked that she sounds like that, because my whole life I'm used to my mother always sounding harsh and rough.

There's an uncomfortable pause, with neither one of us knowing what to say.

"So how have you been, baby girl?" My mother finally asks me. "I've seen in the press that you've been doing real good for yourself, and I'm proud of you. You didn't exactly go the route me and my father wanted you to go, but I'm still so proud of you."

"Yeah, um, thanks," I say awkwardly. I hate that it feels so unnatural to talk to my own mother, but then again, we haven't had any type of a relationship for years, I honestly feel like the bond mothers and daughters are supposed to have is completely non-existent with us, and I'm more confused than anything else that she would even contact me now.

I feel like such a horrible person for thinking this, but I can't help but wonder of the reason she all of a sudden wants to talk to me now is because she wants money or something.

"Momma," I start again awkwardly, and then it's almost like she senses my suspicions because she quickly says.

"Melody, I don't drink anymore. I haven't for almost a year now, and I go to meetings."

That actually makes me happy to hear, but at the same time I can't help feeling slightly distrustful.

"That's great, mom," I still say, continuing to chew on my nails.

"And the reason I called you baby, is because I miss you," my mother continues. "I understand that you probably don't believe me now, I haven't exactly been the parent of the year, but I realize now all of the mistakes I've made, and I just want, well... I just want my daughter back," she suddenly sobs, and I feel my heart break for her, but I still don't entirely trust her.

"I would really love to see you, Melody" she continues, "but it's my understanding that you don't even live in New York anymore. You have moved to Detroit?"

"Well, I haven't exactly moved here, momma," I avoid giving her any details. "But I do... spend a lot of time here. But you know, I was thinking about flying back home soon in a few days, so I don't know..."

We continue to talk for a few more minutes, catching up, and I can't believe I'm actually holding a conversation with my mother after all these years.

We eventually agree that we would see each other in a couple of days when I fly back to New York.

I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but who knows, maybe we could be mother and daughter again.

Just as we about to hang up, my mother suddenly asks me about Marshall.

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