"What you mean, what I'm doing in here, Marshall?" She asks, still laughing. "We had sex, remember?"

"Kim, I ain't touch you last night."

"Are you sure about that, baby?"

"Bitch, if I fucked you last night, I would remember it!!"

"I guess I can see where you are coming from with that," Kim says. "It would be hard for you to forget a night with me. Not like your lame new girlfriend..."

"KIM!!" I bark, and she flinches.

I make my way over to her and drag her out of the bed by her hair.

I see slight fear in her eyes then.

Even she knows not to play with me once I get to a certain point.

"Tell me the fucking truth," I say through clenched teeth. "What happened?!"

I let go of her hair and throw her back away from me.

"Alright, damn!!" She exclaims. "So, I came over here yesterday to apologize to you for spitting in your face the other day. I mean, you are a piece of shit, Marshall, but you really didn't deserve that. Then we talked. I vented to you about how I don't think Eric is ready to be a father. Then, the truth is, you got real fucking loaded last night. You really should stop mixing your lil pills than you take with liquor. You said you were going to go get some sleep, and to let myself out. Only," she grins with a devilish glint in her eyes, "only, I didn't let myself out. I went upstairs to your bedroom after you. By the time I made it in there, you were already passed out. I tried to make it happen with you, but you were, like, really out of it. Dead to the fucking world. Otherwise, you would've went for it, Marshall, and don't even try to tell me you wouldn't have. But you were sleep, so I went for the next best thing. I pulled your clothes off you, while you were passed out, and then I undressed myself too, and I got in bed with you, waiting for your little girlfriend to walk in and find us."

Kim finishes her story and smiles smugly to herself, crossing her arms over her fake boobs, like she really did something there.

I stare at her with murder in my eyes as she starts talking again.

"And the best part of it all is that, even if you try to tell her now what really happened, she won't believe you. Given the history that you and I have," she waves her hand quickly in between the two of us.

"Bitch, you are sick in the head," I say, looking frantically around the room for my phone.

"That may be, Marshall. But she still won't believe you," Kim mocks in a sing song voice, and I slap her.

Don't even think twice about it.

She smiles and throws her arms around my neck.

"Well, that's the Marshall I know," she says happily.

"Kim, get off me man," I throw her off.

"Oh please. Don't tell me you don't want to..."

"I don't."

"Then why is your dick hard?"

I look down at myself.

"It ain't," I lie.

Truth be told, my dick is hard right now, but that's only cause it's got a mind of it's own. I am a man after all, and there's a naked bitch standing right in front of me. A naked bitch I used to love at some point, and who I've got history with. Even if I can't stand her now, my dick don't care about that.

But that doesn't mean anything.

I love Melody, and I won't do this shit to her again. Especially now that she really thinks I've done it, when I really haven't.

"Now, listen good, Kim," I say through gritted teeth. "I'm about to call Melody, and you are gonna tell her the fucking truth."

"I won't," she replies. "And if you do put me on the phone with your little girlfriend, imma just tell her we fucked again. I'll throw some details in it too. Like from some of our times in the past, and make it seem like we did all of that last night. Really make her cry. You know how impressionable that girl is, Marshall."

"Why are you doing this, Kim?" I sigh. "Ain't you having a whole baby with another dude like you told me the other day?"

"I am, but Marshall, I still love you. And I want you back!"

"Well, I don't want you."

"That's too bad. Cause it seems like after tonight, you might as well be stuck with me. Melody wouldn't want anything to do with you after this."

I know she is right, and I fucking hate her for this.

She is right, Mel would never believe me. Not after what I did last time.

But I'll have to try to convince her anyway.

But first I need to get Kim out of here.

"Aight, fun is over for you," I say. "You did enough damage for one day. Get dressed and leave."


"Get out, Kim."

She doesn't budge.

"Make me," she says, and I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly through my nose.

Then I walk over to her, snatch her up by her arm and drag her downstairs and towards the front door, butt ass naked, while carrying her clothes in my other hand.

"Marshall, hold on!" She starts panicking as we reach the door. "I'm the mother of your child! Are you really gonna do this to me?! You're gonna put me out on the street naked?!"

"You do got a point, Kim," I agree with her, letting her go right by the door. "You are Hailie's mother, and I would rather not disrespect you like that. So imma give you like 20 seconds to get dressed and walk out of here on your own. If you don't do that, then bitch, I'm tossing your ass out."

She looks up at me from the floor with tears in her eyes.

"I fucking hate you, Marshall," she says, but she sure does put her clothes on and walks out.

I rub the bridge of my nose and make my way back upstairs as I pull out my phone.

I call Melody's number, but of course, she doesn't pick up.

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