Chapter Seven

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Hunter POV

I rush through the damn doors and search for the nurses station. When I find the desk with a young lady sitting behind it I run over. She seems to be taken aback from the disheveled sight of the two men standing in front of her.

"How can I help you?" she asks.

"Alex, Hunter."

Both of our heads whip to the side at the sound of our names. I nod at the nurse and walk over to Dorian.

"What is going on?" I demand.

He turns and we follow him down a hallway.

"Savannah was in a car accident. I guess she lost control of the car in the ice and snow. They found my number on her phone under emergency contact. I got here as fast as I could but because I'm not family they won't tell me anything." Dorian fills us in.

"Our parents had to take a different flight but they will be here soon. Where's the doctor?" I ask.

"What was she even doing out here?" Alex snaps.

I know he is trying to hold it together just like me. After seven tortuous minutes the doctor comes out to talk to us now that a family member is present. We stop pacing and stand up to listen to him.

"Savannah Thomson family?" we nod. "Miss Thomson was in a car accident and received some lacerations and a compound fracture to her right tibia. We had to sedate her to reset it. In all, she is doing well and resting. The baby is doing well but we will keep them on twenty-four hour observation."

I know he is still talking but my brain has stopped at the world baby! I look at Alex and his face has lost all color before he snaps out of shock and walks off. I turn and see Dorian following every word the doctor is saying, with no surprised reaction. I take a deep breath and try to focus. The doctor stops talking and leads us to her room.

"You may sit with her, but she needs to rest." He gives us that empathetic smile all nurses and doctors are masters of.

I look inside the room and it's like a weight is pressed down on my chest at the sight of her laying there hooked up to everything. I look down at her stomach. There's a monitor with a light flashing through the thin hospital blanket. I turn to Dorian.

"Explain. You don't seem surprised...tell me what's going on!"

He looks back at me.

"Wait, where's Alex?"

Alex POV

I step outside and the ice cold air slaps me in the face. I take in a deep breath. I just had to get out of there. I felt like I was going to explode and that wouldn't have been good for anyone. It's been months, over half a year, since I saw her last. So much time apart I know we have grown farther apart. But I thought... I thought our love was enough to hold us together even when we were so far apart. I held on to the hope that she still loved me.


She was with someone else. Is it Dorian's? He didn't seem surprised. When did she give up on us? How could she?!

I thought it hurt when she left me two years ago. Then saying goodbye to her as she left for California last year was hard. But none of that compares to what I feel right now. I flew out here because she was in the hospital. Hours of driving and flying to think of millions of things that could have happened to her. Then I get here and...



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