Chapter Five

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I open my eyes and just lay there. I have been quietly dreading this day. I can hear Dorian and Makena through my door. I don't want to keep her waiting so I drag myself out of bed and out to the living room.

"Merry Christmas!" Makena cheers and rushes to hug me.

I smile down at her and pick her up.

"Good morning Sweetheart." Mrs. Remington greets me as she steps out of the kitchen, two cups of coffee in hand.

She hands one to me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Remington."

"Please, how many times have I told you, call me Becky." She smiles at me as we make our way to the couch.

"Now that we are all awake we can open presents." Dorian says from his seat on the floor by the Christmas tree.

"YEA!" Makena screams.

We take turns giving and receiving gifts. Makena obviously gets the most. With each gift her smile grows brighter. It warms my heart. I look around and watch this family interact. They are an unusual family and have been through so much. And yet they are blissfully happy. I want this.

It makes me think of my family back home. It makes me miss home. I knew when I made the decision to stay it would be hard. This may not be my first Christmas away from home but last time I was still surrounded by my family. I had Hunter and Cassie. I had Alex.

Later on I am sitting on the couch alone and Dorian drops down next to me. Makena is in her room playing some new game she got with her grandma. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"What's the matter Little Dorrit?"

"We have talked about this before. That nickname doesn't make sense. Please stop calling me that." I tell him this all the time but he thinks it's funny so he continues to use it. "I am just missing home. I didn't think I would miss it this much but not going home over the summer, or on fall break."

"Why didn't you just go home?" he asks.

"You know why. I can't afford all the flying back and forth. But I will get to see Hunter in a couple days!" I try to reassure myself.

He nods.

"When will your brother get here?"

"They are at Reign's parents' house until tomorrow night I think. Then they are driving here."

"And she is staying in the dorms and he is crashing here?" He confirms.


"Well tell him no offense but he gets the couch. I've been on this damn thing for two nights now because of my mom."

"He knows." I tell him.

Thinking about Reign and Hunter coming to visit helps lighten my mood.

Alex POV

Christmas...ugh. I look out the window at the brown grass and dead trees. The neighbors have hideously giant Christmas decorations covering their yard. I can't even imagine their electric bill after having all those lights and blow-up fans on every night all month long.

"Alex, can you help me?" My mother calls.

She has been cooking for hours. Her house is decorated in Christmas decor. I think there is some form of tree in every room of the house, including the bathrooms. What can I say? She loves to decorate and host parties. I walk into the kitchen.

"Please set the table. I'm running behind. Once I'm done with this I still have to finish getting ready." She smiles at me.

I just nod and do what she asks. I am not in the mood to say much. She informed me when I got here that we were hosting a small dinner party. Our guests would be Cassie's parents and Anna's parents. I struggle with the fact all our parents have become close friends over the past year or two. At first I was happy to see Anna's parents, especially her mom, connect with my parents. Now their presence is difficult for me. Seeing them without her is a reminder she didn't come home to visit any of us.

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