Chapter Six

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The doorbell rings and I jump up and hurry to the door. I fling it open and instantly wrap my arms around Hunter. He drops one bag and wraps his now free arm around me. I finally pull away and usher both of them inside.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you are finally here!" I smile at him. "How was your visit with Reign's family?"

"With three older brothers it was a bit intimidating at first but we all got along." Hunter says.

"He was miserable. He had to go to church not once but twice!" Reign teases him.

"We went on Sunday and on Christmas." Hunter whines.

"A lot of people do that, idiot." I laugh.

"It was fine. I knew they were more religious than how we grew up. It was nice. I didn't feel judged or pressured about any of it. We had a great time with her family."

"They all loved him." Reign beams with happiness.

They seem so happy together. Cassie and James are getting married! I want to be a part of their joy but it truly tears me up inside. I know I love Alex. I want to be with him. But I'm starting to think he may not want me anymore. I try not to think about it.

"Here you can put your things in my room. You can sleep on my floor or the couch." I tell him as we walk to my room.

A few minutes later the front door opens and Dorian and Makena walk in.

"Hunter, I would like you to meet Dorian. And this little angel is Makena."

Hunter steps forward and shakes his hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for Savannah." Hunter shakes his hand once more.

Dorian seems a little speechless and just nods.

Later in the evening Dorian puts Makena to bed and Reign heads back to the dorms for the night. I am in my room writing in my journal when Hunter stands in the doorway and knocks on the wall.

"May I come in?"

"You've never asked before." I joke.

He laughs as he makes his way to my bed and sits down.

"So how was your trip, really?" I ask.

"I was a nervous mess. Savannah, I have never been so afraid of disappointing someone."

"Disappoint who?"

"Reign, her family. I know how close she is to her family. I know she secretly wants their approval. I love her, Savannah. I don't want to fuck this up."

"Well don't ask me. I am the queen of fucking things up!"

He seems deep in thought. I nudge his shoulder with my own.

"How is everyone back home?" I ask.

I want to know how Alex is doing but a part of me is scared. If he says he has moved on I don't know how I would feel. Happy he is happy or heartbroken because I haven't?

"Good, they will all be happy to know you are still alive. You look healthy and seem happy. I'm glad. You need to call more. Especially if you plan to stay here every break. Mom is expecting a full report from me when I get back."

"I know. It's just hard. I don't know what to say. I go to school and work. There is nothing to tell. You know I fell asleep on the phone once to one of Mom's hour long stories. I don't even think she knew. It makes me miss home more every time I call."

"I get it. Doing this long distance relationship shit is hard. Reign still has two and half years left here. I haven't said anything to her but I have been saving up trying to move out here. But I don't know. I've never wanted to live out here like you."

"I get it. I hope you two figure it out. She is a lot more confident since you two have been together. You are good for each other."

"Well Reign and I have plans in the morning so I'm going to go cuddle up on the coach and get some sleep."

"Ok, good night Hunter. I'm so glad you are here and I can't wait to spend the rest of the week with you. I've really missed this." I smile at him.

"Me too, little sis." He smiles and walks out of the room.

I lay down, turn off the lights, and close my eyes. I wish I could ask him about Alex. I want to. I know he wouldn't judge me...maybe tease me. I want to know if he asks about me. How is he doing? What should I expect when I do go home?


Snow...I hate snow.

I continue to drive, slow and steady. 

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