Chapter Twelve

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"I'm going to be an Auntie!" Cassie cries out.

"Well not until we are married." James adds after congratulating his brother.

"'s sweet you think I need to marry you to become this baby's aunt." She smirks at him. "This girl has been my sister from another mister long before we met."

I just laugh at them. They are so perfect for one another.

"More shopping, yea!" Cassie bounces and claps her hands.

"We will give you two some time to talk and catch up." Alex says as he kisses me on the head and stands to leave.

I watch him follow James out the door and shut it. Cassie takes his place next to me. Her mood is a little more serious as she looks at my cast.

"How are you feeling? I know you said fine but really?" She asks me.

"Physically I could be better but honestly...I couldn't be happier."

I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face. She smiles and laughs at me.

"Ok, explain."

I sigh and tell her the long story of how all of this played out. All the way up to mine and Alex's conversation just moments ago. She quietly listens the whole time.

"I hate that you didn't tell me. I wish I could have been there for you. Even if it was just an ear to listen on the other side of the phone." She admits.

"I'm sorry. I realize now how stupid it was not to tell anyone. I was just so confused and in shock in the beginning. I didn't want everyone telling me what to do. I wanted to figure out what I needed to do for myself."

She nods and hugs me.

"What's done is done. Now you are home safe and sound. Don't ever scare me like that again." She softly says.

I give her a minute to collect herself. I know I've needed time to process as I keep going over everything the past few days.

"So we need to do some baby shopping along with wedding shopping!?" She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I forgot how much this girl loves to shop. And put me in clothes I would never pick for myself.

"Well I have a few things. Dorian gave me some stuff his mom had saved from Makena. That's one reason I was driving all the way home. I had so much crap. Thankfully nothing got messed up in the accident. However I now have to ship it all home because it wouldn't fit in Mom and Dad's rental car."

"Ok, but we still have to get some things right?"

"Yes. You still get to go shopping and spoil Xander rotten." I laugh.

"Xander?" She looks at me a little surprised.

"It's a boy. I'm naming him Alexander...Xander for short; after his dad."

"Oh my God, that is the most precious thing ever! I love it!" She starts talking to my belly. "I love you Baby Xander."

Later after Cassie leaves I quickly fall asleep. The trip home, an emotional talk with Alex, and Cassie in general has worn me out. At some point I am gently awakened but Alex.

"Hey beautiful, dinner is ready."

I smile up at him and nod. Still half asleep I am a bit surprised when he leans in and picks me up. He turns towards the door but stops. I look back up at him and he kisses me. Wide awake now, I wrap my fingers in his hair and pull him closer. The taste of his lips is so familiar and amazing. It literally brings tears to my eyes. I deepen the kiss, his lips parting, allowing our tongues to dance once more. After a heated moment he pulls away.

"Why are you crying?" He chuckles but stops. "Shit did I hurt your leg?"

I laugh.

"No, these are happy tears. I have missed you so much. I started to think I'd never get to kiss you again."

"I've been dying to do that."

"Me too."

"We better get downstairs before Hunter or worse your mom comes looking for us."

He starts to carry me out the door and towards the kitchen.

"My mother would probably murder you with just one look. I'm really surprised she behaved so well on the trip home."

"Let's just say we had a moment. She doesn't hate me as much as we thought."

"What?! You two had a 'moment?' What did she say?" I ask, completely flabbergasted.

"We talked while you were in the hospital. She has become more understanding over time."

"Wow, I thought she would hate you more now." I admit, honestly.

"So did I." He smirks down at me. "But what can I say, everybody loves me."

"Well I know I do...I don't know so much about everyone else." I tease him.

We make it into the kitchen and he sits me down at the table. Hunter sits down with his plate across from me. I watch as Alex helps my Mom and Dad finish making plates. They sit down, Alex on one side of me and my dad on the other. I look at my mother sitting next to Alex and hold back a laugh when he smirks and winks at me. I may have felt welcomed and safe with Dorian's family but nothing beats the happiness and contentment I feel at this table right now. 

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