Chapter Nineteen

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️⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
Traumatic birth scenes resulting in emergency c-section and possible death.

If you have issues with these scenarios caution. Also if anyone wants to share their birth stories leave comments or message me.

Savannah’s POV

I am laying on a table, both arms stretched out to the side. If I wasn’t in such an emotional state I would probably make some Jesus crucifixion joke.  I have been stabbed in the back twice by a needle. I don't even want to know what it looks like. And the feeling of my lower body going numb is a strange thing I could never describe to someone who hasn’t felt it themselves. My eyes are closed tight as I try not to over think and panic more than I already have. If it wasn’t for the gentle squeezes on my hand I wouldn’t even notice Alex was standing next to me. As I feel tugging coming from my lower half I take a deep breath. It’s not painful by any means but it’s just the thought of what is happening behind the curtain. I don’t know how long I’ve been like this before I hear Dr. Hill announce

“We have a baby boy!”

The only thing my brian can think is…where's the cry? Babies always cry out in the movies. This isn’t a movie. Oh my God is he ok!? All of this spins through my head before I finally hear him and it’s like his little cry filled my own lungs with air. I can hear the nurses and doctors moving around and I can only imagine what is going on. Feeling weak I force myself to open my eyes. The sight of a small baby, my baby, laid out on a table I assume having his vitals taken with his small face covered with oxygen tubes is too much for me. I shut my eyes and hope they close me up quickly so I can hold him. Alex’s grip starts to fade and I can only imagine he too wants to go to our son.

Third Person POV

Alex holds on tight to Savannah as he watches his son being examined. That’s when that beeping…the one holding them here with him…suddenly becomes a piercing sound and before he can even register what is happening he is roughly ushered out of the operating room.

“Sir, I’m going to need you to return to the room until we know more.” A large male nurse orders Alex.

Alex, surprised by such an outrageous suggestion, pushes forward to get back inside the OR. Another nurse quickly appears to help restrain the distraught man. They all turn to look when the doors open and a nurse pushes a plastic bassinet out.

“What’s going on!?” Alex cried out at the woman.

“The doctor will explain when she can. For now you are welcome to come with your son. He is doing well.”

Alex was afraid to leave Savannah alone. Not when he was fearing the worst at this very moment.

“There is nothing you can do here.” The male nurse encouraged him to follow.

Dropping his head he agreed to go. He didn’t notice until they were going through the door. She didn’t lead them back to Savannah’s maternity room but the NICU. Silently he watched, with tears fighting to fall, as his little baby boy was placed in an infant incubator. Once she was done the nurse walked over to Alex.

“He is a strong little guy. His numbers were good. We just don’t know how long he has gone without oxygen. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I never make promises but in my opinion after doing this for so long…I imagine you will be holding him in your arms soon.”

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