Her body landed in a cold puddle of water. The blood from her wounds mixing with the clear liquid. She took a deep breath but found that simple task difficult. It's been awhile since Mai had ever been this weak.
She couldn't move, and dispite the overwhelming pain. She couldn't scream. Even if she wanted to. Even now that it was safe and she knew her classmates could turn back she physically couldn't call out to them.

She was stuck sitting in a cold puddle, her body so weak she couldn't even shiver.
She couldn't remember ever being this injured before. Her body had taken massive damage and she wasn't sure if it could be healed.
All she could do was focus on each breath.


It wasn't hard to break Momo's hair band. She didn't seem to dwell on the fact that her hair was down around her face flowing over her shoulders. From the back she looked enough like Mai.

Midoriya ran right by Kirishima, the boy's eyes were glued on Momo's back and guilt shredded Midoriya's stomach.
It was working too well, he believed it was her.
What was their relationship anyway? They seemed close and he was sure Kirishima liked Mai.

He looked at the ground, his tears unnoticed because of the low lighting but at the end of the tunnel rays of sun danced infront of their eyes. Leading to an abandoned road not far from a city.
The gasping teenagers poured into the sunlight one by one a few students tripped and fell onto the pavement stumbling around letting out scattered laughter.
"We actually did it!"
Uraraka cheered wrapping her arms around Tsu laughing breathlessly.

"Dude I've never ran that much at one time in my life!"
Denki gasped, falling onto the ground next to Sero's feet.

Kirishima walked past the two and touched Momo's shoulder.
"I'm surprised you stuck behind with us-"
He gasped but jumped back when Momo turned around pulling a new hairband from her wrist.
"Why wouldn't I?"
She asked pulling up her Raven hair.

He stepped back and chuckled nervously.
"Oh sorry I thought you were Mai..."
Then he looked around and scanned the group.
"W-where is she then?"
He asked and Momo began to look as well, the same moment Midoriya stumbled out of the tunnel.

He tripped over his feet and fell onto his hands and knees, he didn't get up. He stared at the hard ground through his tears and sobbed, his tears fell from his face a wet the ground below him.
A few students turned, Midoriya was known to cry at the weirdo moments but not like this, this crying was hysterical and uncontrollable. He was sobbing with his head bowed as he realized what a horrible thing he'd done.

Kirishima swallowed his hands shaking.
Something wasn't right, something definitely wasn't right. He had this horrible sick feeling in his gut that said he wasn't fully in the loop.
"M-midorya... Bro... Whats-"

Midoriya shouted rubbed his eyes with his forearms trying to stop the never ending flow of tears.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry I-"

He was picked up from the ground and raised by his collar. He grabbed Bakugou's hand as the boy held him in the air.
"What did you do?"
He said, Bakugou wasn't yelling. But he was more pissed then Midoriya's could ever remember. His slow stern words showed that he wasn't messing around.

"I'm sorry Mai- Mai staying behind."
Deku whimpered.
Maybe Kacchan was right... Maybe deep down he was useless and stupid. He definitely had been a coward.
He dropped to the ground and looked up to see Bakugou staring at him in discust. It wasn't until this moment that Izuku realized he'd never get his friend back. Not after this.

Bakugou kicked Midoriya while he was on the ground but he was immediately pulled back by Iida and Ojiro.

Kirishima stood there, eyes wide and breathing scattered. He was shaking from head to toe staring at Midoriya without blinking. His eyes were glazed over as the gears in his head turned.
'What the hell?'
He asked mentally as he stared down at Midoriya.

"Everyone remain calm!"
Iida said fidgeting.
He left a student behind. He was in charge and left someone behind.
"I'll go back after Mai, I'll go alone and use my quirk you quickly look for her."
He said turning to Momo.
"Yaoyorozu! You're in charge please don't let anyone come after me."

"Let me come too-"
Midoriya said pulling himself up.

"Why? so you can leave her behind again?"
Kirishima said emotionlessly from behind him. His eyes were trained on the boy who flinched.

"No Midoriya, I'll be quicker you need to stay behind."
Iida comanded waving his arms.
He needed to find her! He had to go now! Now!
He bolted forward into the dark cave using as much speed as he could. Launching himself forward pushing himself through the tunnel into the dark.

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