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But, they eventually say it will get better. Sure, there will be days that will be harder than others, but that's just how life is; there will always be hardships and problems. However, life also has its moments that make up for those hardships. Look back at your memories, and cherish those as those are the key to getting through grief.

But... none of that was working for Natasha. She was angry! Her friend didn't deserve to die, and even though her killer was dead, it...

It wasn't enough.

She wanted everyone who contributed to Hermione's death dead — head on a pole for everyone to see. She couldn't sleep, eat, or concentrate. Death and revenge were the only things on her mind. Was she concerned for her mental being? Yes. But was she going to give up on her revenge fantasies? No. She wouldn't feel peace until everyone was dead.

Sirius and Remus walked around her on eggshells, trying to give her support while also not enabling her revenge fantasies. Clint was just a shoulder to lean on, neither enabling nor discouraging her homicidal urges. Her sister encouraged her to do whatever she wanted and offered her support for whatever she decided to do.

And Tom?

Tom was almost non-existent in her life, running on and off to do whatever was needed of him. Natasha found it ironic. The man who complained so much about Dumbledore ended up being his lap dog, doing whatever he was ordered to. Still, when she did see her friend, she could see how exhausted he was. Even if he tried to offer her support with his limited understanding of emotions, Natasha knew that would drain the man. He'd probably look at her, and shrug, "Kill as much as you'd like," give her a little pat on the shoulder, and go off to do whatever his next task was.

With the summer coming to a close, Natasha knew she had to decide what she wanted to do. She knew If she went back to Hogwarts, security would be doubled — someone always keeping an eye on her. However, if she went on her revenge fantasy, she'd have to be even more alert — even more than she is now.

She licked her lips in complementation, dragging her knees up to her chest. Her nose wrinkled in disgust, body odor wafting into her nose. God, when was the last time she took a shower or changed her clothes? Oh, god... when was the last time she changed her underwear?

Resisting the urge to gag, the girl closed her eyes, taking in a deep, calming breath. Whatever she chose to do, it'd change the course of her life. Did she seriously want more red in her ledger? Did it really count if they deserved it?

Suddenly, her door creaked open slowly. Opening her eyes, she met the tired eyes of Tom. "Hey," she greeted, gripping her comforter between her fingers.

The man smirked, walking into her room, "God, when was the last time you picked up your trash?" Walking over to her curtains, the man pulled them open. Natasha winced, eyes adjusting to the brightness peeking through her curtains. "Merlin, you're paler than a vampire."

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