"And if there is no other side? Ribbit."
Tsu asked.

"Then we fight, but for now it's safest to move forward. We've seen what these things did to all might at the USJ. Even with our help he barely defeated one. We shouldn't try against three when it's just us."
Midoriya agreed.

Todoroki nodded, at the same moment the ice creaked slightly and Everyone jumped back.
"That won't hold forever. We should move now."
He said and everyone nodded. The group of teenagers moved forward. But Mai stopped and glanced at the ice that began creaking again before pulling out her phone and typing out a simple text.

She had no connection but when she got signal her message would be sent.

Midoriya said when he noticed she stayed behind.
"You heard them, we need to go."
He said pointing at the group that was already around a corner and out of sight.

"They're going to break through Midoriya."
Mai said slipping her phone into her pocket.
Her back was still towards him, she was staring at the ice and ignoring the drop in temperature. This was the first time they've talked after the interview she realized turning around and looking at her old friend.

He whimpered shaking.
"We need to go."

"They're after me Midoriya. You know that don't you?"
She said.

He shook his head as he realized what was going on.
"N-no! They're after all of us because-"

"I'm staying."
Mai said bluntly.
"I'll hold them back so you guys can get away."

"Mai that's crazy! You can't go against them alone and live! Even All Might-"
He didn't like this. Maybe it was his fault. He was supposed to be her friend and he ignored her, he didn't think about it until now but he did exactly what he promised he wouldn't do.
He realized why she didn't want him to be her friend.
He was a shitty freind.

"I know."
Mai smiled and Midoriya flinched.
"But I can try."

He nodded and walked forward.
"Okay. Okay then I'll stay to! We can both take them right? Yeah! Yeah it'll be fine."
He muttered as usual and Mai put a hand on his shoulder.
Yeah that's right! He might have been a shitty freind but he can fix that now! It's not too late, right?

"No Midoriya. Just me."
She urged, pushing him back as another thump sounded and a piece of ice fell from the wall.
"You have to go now, make sure no one turns around. Especially not Kirishima."

He shook his head and shrugged off her arm.
"No! No no no."
He gasped wiping new tears from his eyes.
"Mai you can't! I-I won't leave you!"
He said standing his ground and Mai shook his head.

"Please, if anyone gets hurt because of these creatures I'll never forgive myself."
She looked him straight in his eyes.
"Your quirk... All might's quirk, is meant for much more than dying in a cave."
She said pulling the last card she could think of. She didn't know all of the details but even she knew no one developed a quirk naturally that late in life, and the same year he got his all might got significantly weaker? There no way that was a coincidence.
Plus Midoriya would definitely talk on and on about how he first developed his quirk but instead he'd been quiet about it. Like it was a secret.

"I don't- if that's true than I won't die! And neither will you! We can take them I know we can-"
He was pleading, begging. He couldn't let this happen.

Mai yelled tears running down her face.
"I have to do this by myself, I can't let anyone get hurt because of me! I can't let you get hurt.
I brought them here. The league is after me."
She said rubbing her tears. Her heart thundered in her chest as fear crept up her spine. She couldn't let him stay. He needed to leave now.

"Mai please..."
He begged.

"Go, take care of them okay? You Bakugou and Todoroki are the only ones strong enough to stop them if- if they get past me."
Mai said and Midoriya flinched.
Every word she said made sense but he hated it.

"Promise me that you won't let anyone know I stayed behind."
Mai urged.

"I can't-"

Mai was interrupted by a large clawed hand bursti though the ice.
'Won't be long now.'
Tears of desperation streamed down her face.

He yelled back rubbing his eyes.
He felt like a kid. A useless little kid.

Mai reached forward and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her and remembered that one night they trained together and he carried her back to her dorm. When she first came to UA and she hugged him in the hallway.

"I never lose, and I promise that won't change today."
She said as she pulled back and pushed him.
"Now get the hell out of here and let the professional handle this!"
She said smiling.

Smiling like All Might.

His whole life he'd wanted to be the number one hero, He'd been sure that he was fit for the job but right now he realized. Mai would be a much better number one then he ever could.
She was so brave, she smiled when it counted and was strong and serious when needed.

He nodded and turned, running down the tunnel, using his quirk to bounce off walls quickly as he could to catch up.

Mai's smile turned into a sad one ans she turned to face the ice wall the moment it shattered revealing the three creatures behind it.
She adjusted her footing and spread her hands.
'Come at me.'

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