Chapter 2

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Stolas made oatmeal for breakfast the next morning. It was nothing more than a bland mixture of oats and milk, which met the nurtional needs of the consumer but the  tasteful needs? Not so much. Then again Stolas never was much of a cook. He could make something that could feel you and give you nutrion, in other words he could make something thagt wasn't poisonous, but hardly anything he made tasted good. Lucky thing that Octavia wasn't a picky eater, but Charlie would often be pushing her plate aside or hiding her meal in the napkin or slipping it into the trash.

"No I am not horading money from you! I am well aware that you get half off everything!" Stolas said over the phone to his ex wife. "Look if you want to take your rage out on someone, take it out on my lawyer, he's the one who's supposed to be drawing up the papers!"

Charlie and Octavia could hear the former Mrs. Goetia screaming on the other the line.

"Oh please, like you need anymore money. I know about that trust fund your borther left you, and no I did not steal your jewelry! You probably misplaced it again...Why would I even want your jewelry? You wear such cheap and tacky brands."

Now she was cursing.

"Why you arrogant, pathetic, son of a-" The phone screeched.

"Stella please! The children are present." He warned. "Yes you can talk to Octavia."

He turned the phone from his ear.

"Via Mommy wants to talk to you."

He handed the phone to Octavia which caused the girl to smile.

"Hi Mommy."

"Hi!" Charlie heard the tone on the other line drastically change. "How's my little princess? I miss you so much."

Stella, Stolas's ex wife was a world class, rich-bitch, but her one redeeming quality was that she loved Octavia to pieces. Loved her just as much as her ex husband did. She had spared no expense in buying Octavia the best of everything, the best clothes and toys. She made every birthday party a grand gala and when Ocatvia would come live with her in the Summer, she'd make sure it was the best Summer ever.

Octavia was probably the only reason Stolas and Stella stayed married for as long as they did. But eventually they realized that when they were together all they did was fight and that just made things harder for their little girl. After all, if this marriage was just for her sake then how come all they did was fight instead of spend time with her? So it was decided that things would be better for everyone if the two divorced. Octavia would spend most of the year with Stolas and then spend the Summer and Holidays with Stella. However split or not, they were still at each other's throats.

"How you two ever got married in the first place is mystery to me." Charlie said.

"That makes two of us." Stolas said.

He sat down at the table and then pulled a small mirror from his pocket to use for checking his hair and teeth. Charlie sipped her glass of apple juice and glanced out the window, her gaze was directed specifically at the garden. The plants were kept in green house in which the door had a pad lock on it and inside the only things growing were briars, flytraps, shrubs, and cacti. Nothing really bright or pretty, in fact just those plants alone made things look very gloomy and boring.

"Stolas why don't you ever plant flowers in the garden?" She asked him. "Or maybe something a little nicer?"

"Charlie no one asks me to look over and examine flowers. They ask me to look over and examine plants that may or may not prove toxic."

"I just want to lighten things up around here. Can I plant some flowers in the greenhouse?"

"Absolutely not. That greenhouse is for work only, and you could end up getting poisoned by plant toxins."

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