| 7 | The Author Fits Several Small Arcs Into One Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Oh, um... there can only be one of each username... but, you can change your nickname to anything!"

"I think I get it now..." He took the scroll back and typed in a username and password. "I'm in! Um... what now?"

"You can customize your profile, if you'd like. Tap this button that looks like a gear... yeah that one, and then choose the edit profile option..."

"I need a picture for my profile... How do I-" You reached over and opened the camera. He freaked out at seeing himself, almost dropping the scroll. You burst out laughing and he glared, his cheeks and ears turning red.

Aww... his ears turn red, too!

He managed to get a picture and figured out what a 'bio' was on his own, miraculously. "How do I find you?" You gently took the scroll from him and he moved behind you so he could watch, gently resting his hand on your shoulder.

You searched your profile and followed it. Then, you reached for your own to follow him back and showed him how to accept requests. "Wow... What else can scrolls do..?" You smirked at this question because you had been waiting for this opportunity.

/// /// ///

"Woah, Hunter, you really suck at this!" you teased.

"Yeah, well- Mobile controls are hard, okay?!"

"Sounds like an excuse to me... Who knew that Mr. Gamer himself would be so bad at racing games?"

"Mobile racing games," he corrected.

"Uh-huh, yeah... right." His face was turning red from frustration and you were enjoying every second of this. "Ready for the next course?"

"No!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, wait a shame," you said sarcastically. "It appears as if I have already continued on to the next one..." you said, right before clicking 'next course'.

"Bitch," Hunter mumbled.

"Oh, I'm sorry... What was that, Goldilocks? I'm afraid I didn't hear you over the sound of this RED SHELL!"

"You whore!" Hunter shrieked as he began trailing further and further behind.

"Mhm, whatever you say..."

You won first, and Hunter got dead last. "Let's play a different game!" he instantly blurted.

"Like what?"

"The fuck if I know! You're the one who's had a scroll for years!"

"Okay, okay... I think I know a game you might be more familiar with."

/// /// ///

"Where should we build our house...?" Hunter asked as you followed behind him in your silly block game.

"I like the forest."


"Forests are nice and peaceful in real life- WOAH! This way!" You led Hunter deeper into a taiga forest towards the thing you had spotted.

"Y/N... this is just a ravine."

"Yeah, and ravines like these make great foundations for super cool bases!"

"I... don't follow."

"It's simple, Goldie. We build a staircase going through the ground... here. It leads that way and to a platform in the ravine. We dig into the sides of the ravine and that's where we start our base, but this way, we can branch endlessly and never get bored!"

"Do you prefer mining or building?" Hunter asks.

"Mining isn't bad, but building is way more fun."

"Haha, fucking bottom," he playfully laughed.

"Do you even know what bottom means, Hunter?" His shit-eating grin dropped.


"Didn't think so."

"Wait, I have a scroll now!" he declared, closing the game and going to search it. Oh, no, you thought to yourself with a sadistic smile. He's gonna wish he were dead after this.

You watched him intently as his eyes scanned the screen and his excited smile slowly turned into an uncomfortable frown. "That's... not what..."

"Reminder that that's what you just called me, by the way," you said casually but with the biggest fucking smirk. His entire face turned a pinkish hue. He stared ahead with a dead look in his eye as he grabbed his mask, not bothering to look with his eyes. He hastily put it on his face, flipped up the hood of his jacket, and fell onto his side, hugging his knees as he just laid on the floor.

To top it all off, to put the icing on the cake, you made a comment just barely loud enough for him to hear. "Fucking bottom." He slowly sat up, rose to his feet, and left his room. "Coward!" you shouted after him, but he didn't respond. Well, I think that might be the end of tonight's game night... 

----    ----    ----    ----

Hii, quick question!

If I were to make a Belos x reader, would you guys read it? I'm convinced most hunter simps cannot stand him, but I wanna make sure lol

also, I would leave out any abuse, especially towards hunter, because I do NOT condone/promote abuse, especially as someone who has gone through it myself

also 1k views already?? thanks!!

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