Jimin parks the car in the parking area and gestures for you to come out. You come out and start turning towards your class, then Jimin sees your bag inside the car and puts it in his hand As soon as Jimin turns towards you to give you your bag, he didn't see you, you would have gone from there so he keep your bag along with him.

"Greetings y/n! Glad to see you again, I thought maybe you wouldn't come because of the professor's scolding.." he smirked at you and sitting near your seat.

"Umm , actually it's not like that..well I don't remember your name , may I know?? " You said to him by passing your toward his as you wanna handshake.

"Taehyung.. you can call me......" He said but someone cut-off. And he and you both are looking the one who cut his words.

"V you can call him V right..umm well I'm Seo his bestfriend.." seo told you with smirk and he sit next to you with taehyung and put his and tae's bag on bench.

"You guys are too cool.." you said to them by awkward smile and they're just smiled back to you.

After sometime professor Minho comes and starts the first period. But you notice that you have left your bag in Jimin's car and start thinking that if you tell this to anyone then it will become a problem for you, so you remain silent the whole time as if you are not feeling well.

"Y/n.. you're not listening, aren't you ??? " Suddenly your professor calls you and you stand up and face him.

"S-Sir, I-I'm listening you.. yeahh " you said with weirdness and everyone stared you as if you aren't look good at all.

"Then tell me when did the First Sino-Japanese War happen ???? " Professor asked you a history question afterall he's a history teacher.

"Sir umm july 1894-95 something..." You replied but confused and look at professor as you expected that he'll say sit down but he didn't.

"Date...??? " Professor asked to you that in which date war started.

"Sorry sir I mean you're so much older than me how can I date you... I-its weird, isn't it??.." you said to him by awkward smile and everyone laughing at you.

"Am I a joke to you or you think that you're smarter than me huhh??? " He yelled at you and he added " where's your history book ?? Ooh I see you're principal's daughter haa.. so you don't need any book , right ??? "

"Professor I'm really sorry I-I didn't mean that.." you look down and felt guilt.

"Get out of my class now and stand outside till my class is over..." He yelled at you and start teaching again and you're going to our of this class and standing outside where everyone looked at you and laughed .

"Hey V, are you sure that she was right ? I mean sino japanese war happened in july 1895 !! " Seo whispered V's ear about that and V nodded that she was right.

"Okay class is dismissed....and I will test your history tomorrow so read first chapter and especially Sino Japanese war alright .?? Did y'all get unit ??? Good day ..! " Professor said and left.

As Professor Minho leaves, Jimin starts coming towards the class and sees you standing outside, he smirks at you. Then your eyes fall on the bag he is holding in his hand. And you look that that is yours.

"You're looking pathetic.." jimin told you with smirk on his face and he adjust your tie with his tiny and cute hands before he give your bag to your hand.

"Jimin don't start here .. I'm not feeling well" you said and going inside your class with your bag and seeing this, v and seo talking with themselves about you and jimin.

Author : guyss as you know v is here a student so his dress as usual ..but jimin's outfit is so damn ..so have a look ...:)

Aishhh this man he's so hot

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Aishhh this man he's so hot.

*to be continued*

A/N - Sorry for updating
late..guys stay tuned
and don't forget to like
and comment nice to
meet you babyeeee.


PROFÉSSOR'S GURL | PJM × Reader |•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें