Chapter Seventeen

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I stare at myself in the mirror as I adjust my bow tie. Today is the day I marry her and make her my wife. It's been a week since I have seen her, some stupid tradition she wanted to take part in. I just want her to be happy, so I agreed. Blaze walks in with two glasses of scotch in his hands.

"Drink up, brother!" He hands me the glass as he skulls his back. I of course had to have him as my best man, there is no one else who knows me better in this world than him. "You're not getting cold feet, are you?" He eyes me as I set the glass down.

"No. I want to be sober today so I can remember everything." I straighten my tux and pat him on the shoulder.

"Wow, who knew you were such a softy." He jokes.

"Very funny. Have you seen her yet? Is she here?" I'm growing impatient as the minutes pass.

"She is here, and she is ready." He plonks himself on the armchair and pulls out his phone.

"I need to see her." I head for the door as Blaze jumps up and stops me.

"Woah, you can't see the bride before the wedding. It's bad luck or some shit and I know my sister would have my balls if she knew I just let you waltz in there." Perhaps he is right, she definitely would be mad. My palms sweat as I pace up and down. I hear a knock on the door and Blaze answers it, talking indistinctly with his wife. "Mason, everyone's here. Let's go." We walk out the door and make our way out to the garden. There are flowers covering every inch of the arch where we will be standing and our guests await as I make my way through, greeting them. I stand by the arch, facing the celebrant, trying to control my breathing. All I can think about is her. The music begins and everyone is asked to stand, Blaze taps me on the shoulder and as I turn, I see Olive walking down the aisle. She looks exquisite, everyone is in awe as she makes her way down the aisle.

"Hi." She whispers, her smile beaming. I smile back as I look into her eyes. The celebrant begins her readings as my eyes wander over her sexy body in her tight wedding dress, showcasing her full breasts.

"Do you Mason Venetti take Olive Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health?" The celebrant continues.

"I do. I very much fucking do." The guests chuckle at my answer.

"...and do you Olive Jones take Mason Venetti to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health?"

"Yes!" She squeals and I can feel the excitement in her voice.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

"Don't mind if I do." I say as I pull her into me and kiss her soft, supple lips.


As we make our way inside our hotel room, Olive sighs and removes the hair pins from her hair.

"So, how much did you drink tonight?" She turns and looks at me.

"I haven't had a sip." I grab her waist and pull her into me. "I wanted to remember everything tonight, for the rest of my life."

"Wow, who are you?" She chuckles as she kisses me. "To be honest, I haven't had a drop either." She pulls away from me and walks to grab something from her bag. "Mason, there's something I need to tell you."

Concerned, I walk over to her "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm actually more than okay." She smiles as she hands me a rectangular box. I take a deep breath as I open the box and see what's inside.

"Is this real?" I look at her and she nods. "I'm going to be a father?" happiness fills my chest. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I found out today, I felt nauseas this morning and my breasts were tender, so I decided to take a test and well to my surprise, two lines appeared." I set the box down and she places her hands in mine. "Are you happy?"

I laugh as I pick her up and spin her around "Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic! I'm going to be a father!"

There was I time I thought I would never get to enjoy or have these things, and yet here I am, basically living the dream I once thought unattainable. The woman I love by my side, carrying my child, as I continue to be the most feared person in this city. 

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