Chapter Two

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I walk into the living room unsure of what I have just walked into. Putting my hands up, I see two men with guns pointed in my direction. What the fuck is going on? I think to myself.

"Calm yourselves gents, this is my friend Olive." Lily states.

The guns slowly point downward, and my hands come down as I stare at the man standing next to Lily.

He has short curly dark brown hair, emerald green eyes and the most attractive jaw line I have ever seen on a man. My eyes slowly shift down his body to reveal his buff arms and chest hidden underneath a white shirt with light washed jeans and white sneakers. His arms are covered in tattoos and from what I see, they may be all over his chest too as a little bit peaks through his shirt to his neck.

Well, fuck. He is very attractive.

"Olive, I'm so sorry, this is my brother Mason." Lily says, pointing to the man I have been ogling for the last couple minutes.

"Hi." Literally nothing else comes to my mind to say right now.

"I can't just pack up my life and put it on pause, Mason." Lily turns to Mason and waves her hands.

"Look, I know it's not ideal but like I said, I need you safe. So, we are going whether you like it or not. Do not argue with me." His eyes dark and almost angry.

"Fine, but Olive has to come too." She crosses her arms.

"Why? She is not in any danger." He points over to me with his gun.

"Well, she was with me for the last week, we were working on a project for one of our clients, so, yeah, she could be in danger. Plus, we need to get it finished, like I said, my life doesn't stop just because 'there's trouble'." She quotes the last words.

What? I could be in danger? From who? Until today, I haven't even heard Lily mention she had a brother and now after three years of working with her, suddenly he's here. With a gun.

"I hope this isn't an issue for you Olive. I know we've been friends and colleagues for a long time, and I never mentioned my brother but that was for a good reason. See, his business usually deals with a lot of bad people, and I didn't want you mixed up in it, which is why I never introduced you." She says with an apologetic smile.

Bad people? Like bikies? Mafia? So many questions are running through my mind right now. I have no idea what to say.

"I'll accompany you to get your things." Mason's deep voice whips my mind back to the room.

"Oh okay. I live down the street from here." I start heading toward the door with so many questions in my head. Should I call the cops? Should I be going to a man's house who I have never met before? At least his sister will be there. Her I know and her I trust.

"Sam, make sure my sister is in the car and on the way to my place in the next ten minutes." He looks over to Sam who is a little shorter than Mason, almost same build. Covered in tattoo's, just like Mason. His bright white smile contrasts his chocolate complexion.

I walk out the door with him following me. 

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