Chapter Eleven

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I wake to a knock on her door. I look over and she is sound asleep. Being careful not to wake her, I move slowly and slip on my jeans. Who could be at her door this early in the morning? Putting my gun in the back of my jeans, I put my shirt on to hide it. There's another knock at her door as I walk over and open it.

"Who are you?" A tall blonde man looks at me with a confused look.

"I should be asking you that." Smirking, I lean on the doorway.

"I'm Olive's fiancé." He smiles as my smirk fades. Fiancé!? What fucking Fiancé?

"Ex-fiancé." I hear Olive's voice behind me as I move to face her. She's still in her oversized baggy shirt which just covers her beautiful ass.

"Olive who the fuck is this?" His tone is angry, furious almost.

"Corey, please try to relax, he is just a friend. His name is Mason." She raises her hands to try and calm him down.

"How can I relax when there's some random man in your home with you dressed like that!" he motions to her baggy shirt. She takes a step back as he inches forward. I move in between them and stop him from going any further.

"Get the fuck out of my way." He inches toward me and now we are face to face.

"I don't think the lady wants you here." I say smiling at him. Rage builds on his face at my words and he attempts to push past me. I pull out my gun and point it at his forehead. His eyes go wide in shock as he lifts his hands to surrender.

"Mason, please, don't!" Olive puts herself in between my gun and Corey.

"You better get on your knees and thank this woman for saving you from me." I say, clenching my jaw. "It won't be so easy next time." I place my gun back behind my jeans and pull Olive to my side. "Now leave before I change my mind."

"I don't know who you've gotten involved with Olive, but I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it." He looks to Olive, then to me and leaves. Closing the door, Olive turns to me.

"Do you really have to point your gun at everyone?" She sighs and walks past me; I follow her as I watch her ass move beneath her shirt. She walks into her kitchen, opens the fridge and drinks directly from an orange juice bottle.

"Who's Corey?"

"I really cannot be bothered to answer all these questions. Especially when I am so hungover." She gulps down more orange juice as if she has just ran a marathon. Walking over to her, I grab the orange juice bottle and slam it on the counter.

"Olive, who is he?" my voice becomes demanding. I need to know. However, she feels about this guy, I need to know. Just thinking about this guy being close to her makes my blood boil.

"He's my ex-fiancé. He was telling the truth." She runs he fingers through her hair and I can tell this topic makes her very uncomfortable. "Look Mason, can we just forget about Corey? We broke up, we are no longer together." She looks up at me.

"Good." I smirk "Because you're mine." My eyes move from hers, down her body and back up to her lips.

She laughs and reaches for the orange juice bottle. "You're delusional. We are not together."

I move behind her, making sure I am close enough to her without touching her, I move her hair away from her neck and inch closer to her ear "Make no mistake gorgeous, you will be begging me to fuck you again." She takes a deep breath in and turns to face me. I lean on the counter with my hands, trapping her. I move my face closer to her neck and breathe her in, she smells incredible. I feel her breathing quicken as I inch my lips closer to hers. Her eyes close as I trace one finger from the middle of her chest down to her navel. My phone rings and she opens her eyes. I chuckle at her disappointed expression and answer the call.

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