"What did he just say?" Gwen asked, looking pissed as hell.

"Who's hungry?" Chris asked, before pulling a curtain to reveal a buffet table


Gwen: After a week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet

Owen: And that's when i saw it, the buffet table! It was beautiful! There was turkey, and navel bars, and baked beans in maple syrup. Can I have a minute *Cries*

Scarlett: A lot of those foods have high levels of L-trytophan. What's Chris planning?


I ate a bread roll and an apple.

"Guess we're the only ones with common sense" Alex smiled, also holding limited food.

After the plates were empty, everyone but him and I were groaning and holding their stomachs. That looks painful.

"Ok campers, time for part two of your challenge" Chris said, standing on the table

"I thought eating was the second part" Owen said

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen groaned, clutching her gut

"Weird goth girl is right, haven't we suffered enough?" Heather asked

"Let me think about that, no!" Chris said through a megaphone "It's time for the awake-a-thon"

"The what-a-thon?" Owen asked

"Don't worry, this is an easy one" Chris said. Ok, that megaphone is really starting to piss me off. 

"The team with that last player standing wins invincibility."

"So you're saying that the twenty k run and the turkey eating frenzy was all a part of your evil scheme to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked

"That's right Gwen" Chris said
 "Man he's good" Gwen admitted. LeShawna nodded.

"Move move move!" Chris yelled.


We were twelve hours in

"WOOOOOO! STAY AWAKE FOR TWELVE HOURS? I CAN DO THAT IN MY SLEEP!" Owen cheered, before passing out.

I was just reading my book. I only had had about ten more pages, so I'd probably be done in five minutes or so.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Eva said. She dropped her MP3 player. I smirked and walked over to it, pretending to stretch, and picking it up and putting it in my pocket in the process. I went back over to my seat and continued to read

"Watcha reading?" Alex asked.

"Nothing that you would be familiar with" I said, turning another page.

"Try me" he smirked

"Fine. To kill a mockingbird" I said

"You have good taste in books" he said. I got to the end of the book and snapped it shut.

"Well, looks like I don't have anything to do anymore" I sighed.

"We could just talk" Alex suggested

"We're on different teams" I pointed out

"Do you really want to talk to anyone else on your team?" he asked, raising his eyebrows

"Good point." I admitted

"Well, you wanna tell me about yourself?" Alex asked

"Well, I have four siblings, I'm a middle child, which is quite irritating. I have a larger IQ than my entire family combined, everyone at my school despises me because I'm better than them in every way except appearance wise, I want to win the money to help pay for my college tuition to study forensic science and engineering" I said

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