𝐞𝐬𝐭. 𝟓𝟔 { Do You Solemnly Swear }

Start from the beginning

Just standing up causes a mountain of nerves to run its course through my veins. I look over my shoulder for a second and Vic gives me a sly thumbs up and this time instead of Zach mouthing I love you, Dad replaces him.

The corners of my mouth lift only a fraction.

In no time, I'm called to the stand for my closing testimony and all eyes are on me. I go through the regular routine and swear myself under the oath. The chair beneath me is stark cold and the wood creeks as I shift around to a more comfortable position.

Kelseys lawyer, Richards walks up to the stand with her black horned rimmed glasses in one hand and an irritatingly smug smirk across her overly tan face. My eyes darted from her to the door and back to her. Stop it Sage. He isn't coming. I'm not entirely sure if everyone else in the room could hear the rampant thud of my heart beating against my ribcage but I could and it was severely distracting.

"You may proceed, counsel." Judge Miller announced, crossing his arms over his chest.

She nods firmly and shortens the space between us while looking me directly in the eye. And in that moment I just knew something sinister was going to leave her mouth. "Ms. Winters, is it true that you're sleeping with my client's brother?"

"Objection!" My attorney shouted but his voice faded into the background of the noises I'm hearing. The little audience we had began murmuring underneath their breaths, clearly not expecting the intimacy of the question.

I twist the–his ring that's still on my finger, while attempting to keep my face neutral. "Wh-What does that have to do with this case?"

"Overruled. Answer the question, Ms. Winters." Judge Miller advised sternly.

I swallow a lump of emotion and a fraction of my pride in the process. "No, no I am not."

"Sorry, let me rephrase." She shakes her head, smiling, like she had me cornered and my heart twists in disgust at how pleased she looked with herself. "Were you sleeping with my client's brother? Yes or no."


Remembering I was under oath, I answered slowly. "Yes, I was."

"And did you use that as a way to manipulate Ms. Vincent? Use her brother to soften her up so you could get your way."

"Absolutely not." I grit through my clenched teeth. It was getting harder to maintain my composure.

"Ms. Winters, are you aware of the strain you put on Ms. Vincent and her brother's relationship? Did you use Zachariah Stone as blackmail so my client could release you prior to your contract ending."

None of this was making sense. My throat felt like it was closing in, like if I spoke no sound would come out. I glance over at Kelsey who looks equally as shocked to what her attorney was insinuating.

"No, I said no! Stop asking me these ridiculous, outlandish questions." I fume.

"Control your client, Mr. Roman." Judge Miller expressively warned.

Matthew gives me a what the hell are you doing look as I shrink back into my seat.

"Are you denying my right to ask you any questions, Ms.Winters?"

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