They had also declared that Inko Midoriya was to be executed if Izuku Midoriya, aka Verdant Emperor, didn't turn himself in within 48 hours.

Izuku took a deep breath and calmed himself. The word 'execution' gave him a bad feeling in his stomach.

Izuku did some hacking and discovered how the government came into possession of his name so fast. It turned out one perverted midget from UA had leaked his name sinceBakugo had a breakdown in the common room area when he saw Izuku's face.

"Really," Izuku said, "that fucker. I can't even remember how many times I have covered his mistakes. All those times when I tutored him the night before the exam. And this is how he is paying back," Izuku said with frustration quite clear in his voice.

"That midget," Bakugo said as he greeted his teeth, "I going to punt him in the face next time I see him."   

The fact that a hero student had gotten his mother arrested just because he was his mother pissed him off.

"It seems that the signs of fake heroes are evident from their childhood," Stain said.

The documents stated that Mineta claimed that Inko Midoriya knew whatIzuku Midoriya was planning and Mineta was paid $100,000 for the 'information'.

"I should have expelled him when Yaoyorozu told me about the locker room incident," Aizawa shook his head disappointedly. Even if Minata was not his student anymore he still felt disappointed that one of his students would try to harm a civilian for money.

The government didn't even bother validating the information! They only cared that Inko was related to Izuku and that was good enough for them.

"I find it very unethical and scary that the government is targeting Mrs. Midoriya like this," Momo said, "and that raises a big question.  Now that we are provisional heroes the government has access to all our information so who is stopping them from using that and harassing us to work for them?" 

"I don't know what is so wrong in working with the government but I can assure you that your information is safe until you do not cross the line and do something that will harm the peace," NIghteye said.

"He means that you are safe as long as you are behaving like a good sheep and following the herd. The moment you decide to move away from the herd you are skinned and sent to the butcher for 'stepping out of line,'" Izuku said with venom in his voice.  

"You are saying a lot of things that a hero student should be saying," Nighteye said.

"And you are breathing a lot for someone who was going to get spiked by overhaul," Izuku said.

"Midoriya I think you crossing the line," Mirio said.

"I am not the one who started it," Izuku said.

 If she was the mother then she must have known, right!? WRONG!

"Are they stupid, why would I ever involve my mom in all of this," Izuku said.

Izuku had destroyed a room full of things that his men provided for him since they knew he was looking to destroy stuff.

"Izuku doesn't get angry that much but every once in a while he has these days when releases all of his anger on the things around him," Inko grimaced, "and the aftermath is never good." 

They were all pissed as well since his mother was going to be killed.

"I think I am going to stab someone if they really went ahead with the execution," Himiko said.

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now