Not so happy campers part two

Start from the beginning

"I thought this was going to be a talent contest" Lindsay whined

"haha, yeah, haha, no" Chris said, before Lindsay jumped off the cliff.

"let's see... forty three percent chance of death, thirty seven percent change of getting injured, twenty percent chance of surviving" I calculated "here goes". I jumped, positioning myself so I would be in the least amount of pain when I hit the water.

Noah, Izzy, Gwen, Cody and Justin jumped.

That ridiculous Beth girl was too scared.

owen was just standing at the top.



"Owen jump!"

"just do it Owen! just do it!".


Owen: Oh I was pretty darn nervous. See, I'm not that strong a swimmer

Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and thinking 'there's no way he' gonna make it'

Gwen: I actually thought 'if he jumps this' *Tone changes from concerned to bored* 'he's gonna die'

Scarlett: If he doesn't jump I'm going to rip his arms off, toss them in a blender, and tip it down his throat, if he would still be alive, which I seriously doubt


"Come on big guy" LeShawna said. Owen jumped off the cliff

"OHHHHHHHH! CRAAAAAAAAP!" he screamed as he plummeted through the air.

When he hit the water it was like a tidal wave.

"Yees! Yeah! Oh yeah! Who's the man?" Owen cheered, proud of himself

"Woohoo!" Beth cheered

"Yes" LeShawna cheered, punching the air

"The winners, the screaming gophers

"That was awesome dude!" Trent said "What's wrong"

"I, uh, think I lost my bathing suit" Owen replied, not even trying to be quiet


We were pulling our crates back to camp. Everyone else was singing ninety nine bottles of pop. I didn't join in, because I don't sing, and I never will.

"Hey look! there's the campground!" Beth yelled

"That was pretty easy" Owen said

"I'm pleasantly surprised" Cody added happily

We had to use our teeth to open the fricking crates.

"remember guys, you can only use your teeth to open you crates" Chris said, being very happy at how hard this is

"I think i've got it open!" Izzy cheered, before her crate fell apart "Oww! Rope burn on my tounge!". Sure enough, she had a rope burn across her tongue.

We just made Izzy open the rest of the crates.

"Hey check it out! I got wood!" Owen said

"I got some tools, and what looks like a pool liner" Trent said

I looked at heather, who was apologising too LeShawna for making fun of her. Then LeShawna apologised for throwing Heather off a cliff. They fist bumped, and Heather walked away with Lindsay.

Alex's POV

We were pushing our crates to the campground. I had sand in my shoes, and about a billion splinters, but I didn't complain.

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