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Delilah's pov:
It was now time for the rumble. Darry got home and quickly changed. All the gang got ready too. Pumping themselves up even more then before.

Pony was grabbing his jacket from the chair when I got up from the couch.

He put his jacket on as I approached him. I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Now be careful, ya hear? I don't need to hear that you got so badly beat up that you were hospitalized." I sternly said

Pony chuckled a little before replying.

"Yes ma'am." He said and smiled

I moved my hands to cup his face and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I smiled back and kissed his nose, I let go, indicating he can leave now.

He let go and followed the rest of the gang outside.

Once he left the front porch, I now stood there, alone.

This will be sooo fun.

I thought, knowing I'll just be sitting, preparing the aid kit for some beat up boys.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom to set up my little "hospital".
Ponyboy's pov:
Man was I ready for this rumble!

Us greasers have waited a long time for this moment, to just kick and punch the shit outta those socs like they won't live to see tomorrow.

Me saying that may seem like we are the bad guys. But once you actually experience a day being a greaser, you'll understand.

I was walking with the gang toward the rumble, all fired up. My first ever rumble. I still can't get over it.

Steve was pumped, Two was pumped, hell even Darry was pumped! We all were so ready for this.

We finally made it to the lot and there stood Tim Shepherds gang. I knew his little brother, Curly Shepard, we weren't crazy friends but he was a good pal overall.

Darry talked with Tim for a minute until we saw the socs come up with their mustangs, like usual.

Darry quickly got into place with his gang and Tim's got next to us.

I tried to look as scary and intimidating as possible, but now as the soc came closer to us, the more nervous I got and the harder it became to hide it.

Darry walked up to the group. Paul, this guy that Darry used to be friends with walked up and they talked.

I feel bad for Darry. Darry actually liked the guy, they were good friends all through Highschool. Now he has to fight him.

Then I could hear loud footsteps and yelling coming from behind me.

There was Dally, running towards us yelling,

"Hey! A rumble ain't a rumble without me!"

Then that moment another soc threw a punch at my face, and the rumble started.

The soc then got on top of me and kept beating my face in.

Delilah is gonna be so pissed.

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