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Delilah's pov:
We walked farther down the hallway to Dallys room.

Two-bit slightly opened the door. There dally was yelling at the nurse, just trying to help him.

"Where is your gown?" The nurse asked seeming pissed off at Dally.

"I threw it away." Dally replied

The nurse rolled her eyes and that pissed off Dally even more.

"Just get out, your making my stomach sick." Dally said harshly and the nurse left us alone.

Two walked all the way into the room but I suddenly felt sick. I grabbed onto Pony's jacket and balanced myself, I got extremely dizzy.

Pony grabbed my waist and kept me straight up.

"Woah woah, you okay?" Pony asked.

"I don't feel good, can we just sit down." I asked grabbing onto my head.

"Yeah of course." Pony said sounding concerned and sat me down on the chairs outside in the hallway.

I don't know why I all of a sudden felt sick, maybe after how I felt after seeing Johnny.

Pony sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I leaned back and he leaned back with me.

I rested my head onto his shoulder. He noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder so I could be more comfy.

We were silent for a little while, just hearing the sound of nurses heels hitting the tile and clip boards hitting the counter tops.

"You okay?" Pony asked after a long silence.

"Yeah, I think I got sick after seeing Johnny. Maybe my anxiety too." I stated.

"Okay, just making sure." He then kissed my forehead.

Two-bit eventually comes out and looks at me and Pony.

"Awe, you guys are just too cute!" Two-but said with a baby voice.

Me and Pony chuckle.

"Chill out Two, you've seen us like this all the time now." Pony said smiling and rolling his eyes.

"I just can't get enough of it though." Two said still admiring our couple goals.

"Okay let's go." I said with a smile and got up.

Pony got up too and we started walking back down the hall to leave. Pony grabs my hand once again. I've noticed he has a thing for holding hands, but I ain't complaining.
It was now around 7pm and all the gang was here getting ready for the rumble. The rumble starts at 8 which gives them enough time to get hyped up.

I was on the couch reading one of Pony's books I found off his shelf. I finished reading my sentence and looked up to peak into the bathroom where Pony was.

He was by the sink, combing his hair side to side. I just watched him intently as he swiftly and carefully styled the hairs.

After like- 2 minutes of him just constantly playing with it he puts the comb down and turns his head towards me.

He smiles a devious grin at me, knowing he just caught me staring at him. I blushed like crazy and covered my face with my book out of embarrassment.

We have been dating for a little while now, but he never fails to make me blush.

I then move the book away from my face to see Pony walking towards me. I put the book on the ground and put my hands out, offering him to cuddle.

He comes and lays down on the couch with me, him having his body on the side of me and his head resting on my chest.

He wraps his arms around my torso and i wrap my arms around him too.

Thankfully Darry wasn't here yet- he was still at work and wouldn't be arriving until 7:45, just on time for the rumble.

I really wanted to play with Pony's hair but he had already styled it perfectly I didn't want to mess it up.

And all the boys were to distracted making scenarios of what they're gonna do to all the socs when they get there to notice me and Pony.

"Hey Pone?" I whispered so only he could hear me.

"Yeah hun?" Pony asked that melted my heart.

"I love you."

Pony smiled and looked up at me.

"I love you more."

Bookworms // a Ponyboy Curtis fanficWhere stories live. Discover now