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Delilah's pov:
Me and Pony have been meeting in the library at lunch time everyday for a week now.

But ever sense Cherry had seen us in the library me and Pony have been getting threats from other socs. Saying things like " If we catch you with a greaser, you'll be sorry." Or "Better watch your back wannabe greaser." Pony even told me they'd threat him too.

So I came to the conclusion that me and Pony should just stop seeing each other permanently.

I was walking to school, without cherry sense she was still mad at me but whatever. I planned on telling Pony during lunch sense it's the last time we'll be together.

I arrived at my School and hurriedly walked to my locker. I grabbed my text book and made my way to English.

I walked in and there was Ponyboy in his usual seat. He looked up and smiled at me. I gave him a half smile and walked to my seat. He frowned. I sat down and opened my text book to the page that was written on the board.

I couldn't gather myself to smile at him that big as he did. Knowing this would be the last time we hang out together, or even talk together.

Lunch time rolled around and I quickly grabbed my lunch and walked to the library.

When I had gotten there Pony was already there waiting for me while playing with a fry. I sat down in front of him and he looked up at me but didn't smile.

He showed a look on his face like he wanted answers or he looked dazed or confused.

"Hey." Pony said eyeing me.

"Hi." I said nervously

"You were acting strange this morning, are you okay?" He asked looking at me with a sad look, he looked nervous too.

"Pony, I gotta tell you something." I started saying but looked quickly down at my lap.

"What is it, Delilah?" He said still staring at me waiting for an answer.

I waited a minute to say anything. I slowly rose my head up to meet his eyes and I gave him a sad smile. He just stared at me giving me a confused look.

"Pony, I think it would be best if we stopped talking." I said simply

"What? Why?!" Pony said getting defensive as he started getting up.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down to sit. I held his hand as I spoke.

"It's just- all these threats we keep getting and with me being a soc and my sister being Cherry. It's just not safe for us to be doing this." I told him looking into his eyes. I could see sadness and hurt.

He just stared at me for a second or two with his eyes showing many different emotions. I couldn't choose which one was most definite.

"It's not that I don't like talking to you Pony or hanging out with you." I hesitated

"It's just too dangerous."

I quickly stood up and took my trey with me and left. I shouldn't have left him there by himself but I knew he wouldn't know what to say anyway.

As I walked past the window that shown into the library. I saw Pony still sitting in the same spot I just left him at but he had his head in his hands. He looked like he was crying. His ears were red and some parts of his cheeks that I could see were red too.

I looked at him for a second and then quickly looked away. I started getting glossy eyed too. That had to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
Pony's pov:
Delilah left me just sitting there to process my thoughts. I wanted to run after her but, I knew she was right. I had been getting threats almost every day now.

When she left I put my head into my hands and sobbed. I finally had felt like I could be normal around someone. I even ended up liking her and made the bold move to kiss her. You don't do that everyday. Not also to mention she was one of my best friends, she understood me the best.

I sobbed until the bell rang which had to be about 10 minutes. I got up and walked out the door of the library, pushing the door open as hard as I could and walking down to the cafeteria to throw away my food.

I threw my food away and walked back to my locker to grab my book for the next class.

I got to my locker and looked over to see Delilah at her locker too.

This will be hard.

Bookworms // a Ponyboy Curtis fanficWhere stories live. Discover now