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Delilah's pov:
It was now around 8:50 pm and I was waiting for the boys to come back so I can patch them up.

I had all my stuff in the living room ready and I was sitting on the couch watching Mickey, sense that was all I could handle at the moment.

I was zoned into the show when the door bursted open and the gang came piling in, yelling happily and smiling.

I got up nervously and played with my fingers.

"You guys won?" I asked

Steve looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Hell yeah we did!" He yelled and came and hugged me.

I was startled at first but quickly hugged back feeling relieved and happy that Steve was actually happy.

He let go and I watched the rest of them pile in.

The last two to walk in was Dally and Pony. Dally was helping Pony walk with his arm over his shoulder.

I gasped softly. Pony looked horrible. I knew I shouldn't have let him go.

I ran up to him and cupped his face.

"Jesus Pony! I thought you had it under control!?" I spoke loudly.

Dally let go of Pony and went to sit down. Pony just grabbed onto my hands that were rested on his face and smiled.

"Hey at least we won."

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Pony I rather you guys loose and you be fine, then you guys win and you look like this." I said softly.

He gave me a sad expression.

"Well let me at least help you clean up. I bet you're tired." I took my arm and placed it around his shoulder to help him walk to the bathroom.

He limped from the door to the bathroom and I gently sat him on the toilet seat.

He groaned and held his stomach.

I quickly grabbed a rag and ran it under warm water.

I then leaned down in front of him and started to clean his cuts and bloody nose.

He just watched me as I did this. If I hadn't cared about how badly he hurt I would've said something about it and waste time.

He kept groaning every time I cleaned a wound. Just like when he got beat up by the socs from trying to see me.

I quickly let that memory go.

After a few minutes of silence I spoke up.

"Could you tell me what happened?"

Pony smiled and nodded.

"Darry was talking to this soc named Paul and then Dally came and distracted me, so a soc threw a punch at me and that kind of threw me off. I would've done better if I hadn't already been hit to the floor." Pony explained.

I nodded, studying his face.

"You know, I'm not surprised Dally showed up." I said.

Me and Pony both chuckled lightly.

"But, I'm just glad you're not dead." I then said while putting my hand on his cheek.

Pony smiled and put his hand on top of mine that rested on his cheek.

I leaned in to kiss him, he did too. His lips pressed on mine. It was a nice gentle kiss.

We pulled away and I rubbed my thumb over his cheek.

"You ready for bed now?" I asked

Pony grinned a devilish grin.

"Only if you'll cuddle with me."

I smiled.

"Only if you shower." I said back.

"Duh!" Pony said making me laugh.

After I finished laughing I got up from crouching and set the rag in the sink.

"Then I'll leave you to it." I opened the door and as I glanced back to close the door, Pony winked at me.

I closed the door the rest of the way and smiled happily to myself. I just about melted away.

Steve noticed how happy I looked and whistled.

"Someone's in love!" Steve yelled.

I laughed softly and grabbed a rag to start cleaning him up too.
I had cleaned the rest of the gang up and they all were chilling in the living room. I decided to go to Pony's room and lay down.

Even though I wasn't in the rumble, just worrying about them the entire time wore me out.

Thankfully I brought over some pjs from my house and I changed into those.

I had asked my mother earlier if I could stay the night at Pony's sense he needs my support with everything that's going on with Johnny. Surprisingly she said yes.

I climbed into his bed and snuggled up into the covers.

Just before I fell fully asleep I heard the door creak open. I was faced away from the door so I didn't know who it was but I guessed it was Pony, because I felt another person get into the bed and wrap their arm around my waist, snuggling their face into my neck.

I smiled softly and fell asleep.

Everything will be just fine.

Okay as you know, I'm definitely not finishing this series anytime soon so expect a few more chapters. :)

I also have a very special ending in mind for this book so be ready for that too!

- Ava 10/30/22

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