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Delilah's pov:
I woke up with the sun beaming in my face. I felt awful. I had crusty eyes, smeared makeup, and the clothes I had on from yesterday. I slowly got up from my bed and made my way over to my bathroom.

I turned on the water and got undressed. I stepped in. The events of yesterday came flooding in my mind, all too quickly. It's gonna be an awful day.

Today was the first day back to school after fall break. Where I'll see pony in the hallway and in my classes. If I even look at him I'll probably burst into tears.

I finished showering and went into my room to change. I grabbed a white long sleeve shirt and a soft yellow skirt that flowed down right above my knees.

I finished getting dressed and went back into my bathroom to dry my hair and style it. I didn't feel like wearing much makeup because my eyes were sore from crying so much, so I just put some lipstick on.

I finished and walked downstairs into the kitchen. There my mom was cooking pancakes, like usual. Cherry was sitting at the table, messing with her nails. And Gabe sitting eating toast. He's never really been a fan of pancakes, says their too "sugary".

"Good morning hun." My mom said with a bright smile.

"Hey mom." I said trying to not sound sad or tired.

I sat down next to cherry and waited for my pancakes. Mom finished making them and put two on a plate and handed it to me, shortly after she gave cherry some too.

Mom sat down next to Gabe and started eating her pancakes.

"So Delilah, I heard you come home last night. I thought you were staying at the curtis house?" Mom said looking at me

"Um, well I'm not allowed over there anymore." I said quietly, on the verge of tears.

"Why? I thought they loved you? Delilah what happened?" She said getting angry.

"Mom, it's not their fault. It's mine."

"No honey I'm sure it wasn't your fault. Please tell me what happened." She reached over and touched my hand lightly with a soft smile

"Pony got beat up by some socs and me and him were gonna date, but Darry didn't like that idea.." I said looking down at my lap trying to hide my tears.

"You we're gonna date Pony?!" Cherry yelled all of a sudden.

I looked up at her. There was a long pause. Everyone was just staring at her confused.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" I said looking at her with a confused look. Why the hell was she mad?

"Just- never mind" she said while storming off to her room.

"I don't know what her deal is." Mom said looking towards where cherry ran off too.

She turned back to me and softly smiled again. She stood up and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry honey, you don't need pony anyway. You'll find someone better."

"Yeah.." is all I said

She doesn't understand how pony really is. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. I don't think I'll ever be able to move on from him.


"Come on cherry! We're gonna be late!" I said while grabbing my backpack and putting on my shoes.

Cherry comes running down the stairs and storms out the door, not even waiting for me. I quickly finish tying my shoe and run out the door, catching up to cherry.

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