Part Seventeen

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

I haven't finished writing any OS, it might take time. Inn Shaa Allah, will post something next week or the week after that.

Feeling his gaze on her, Gauri turns to look at Omkara. she ignores him as she turned to look out the window. Omkara sighs as he turned his attention back to driving. The whole way to Delhi, she hadn't said a word to him and now also, she was silent. Now, they were going to her house because she had insisted on going to her parents.

"How did you find me?" Gauri asks him finally as she looked at him.

Omkara takes the file his PI had given him and gives it to her. Gauri curiously opens it and looks through them in shock.

"This is how you found out." Gauri whispers in shock as she saw the pharmacy bill.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Omkara asks her.

"Because you said you wanted to abort the baby." Gauri reminds him hurt.

"When I said that, there was no baby, Gauri." Omkara reminds her.

Gauri looks away.

"You were scared about getting pregnant, but once you realized that you are pregnant, our baby became more important to you than your parents and your studies. So, why didn't it ever occur to you that even I might feel differently if there is a real baby?" Omkara asks her hurt.

Gauri looks down realizing that he was right. "That's why you came looking for me." Gauri whispers realizing.

"Does it matter?" Omkara asks her.

"You are blackmailing me." Gauri tells him.

"I don't want our baby to be illegitimate. Why are you being stubborn now? does it not matter to you anymore?"

"Because I know you didn't want to get married."

"Even you wanted to marry me for the baby. so, if I want to marry you for the baby then I am wrong?" Omkara asks her offended.

Gauri looks away, after all this, not wanting to tell him that she wanted to marry him because she loves him.

"You should have told me clearly when you asked me about marriage that we are going to have a baby. it is not fair that you withheld information and is now blaming me for taking a decision on half information."

"I am not blaming you."


"I don't want you to compromise."

"We are going to be parents, Gauri. we will have to make compromises now." Omkara tells her in finality, he would die before he would let her walk away from him again.

Gauri looks away hurt hearing him say that marrying her was a compromise for him.

"I don't want my parents to know." Gauri tells him softly.

"I already promised you that they would never find out about our deal." Omkara reminds her offended.

"Not about the deal." Gauri turns to him and tells him. "About the baby."

"They are going to know, Gauri."

"One month after marriage, we will tell them."

"Won't they be suspicious when the baby is born in 8 months?" Omkara asks her.

"That time we will somehow manage." Gauri tells him. "I just don't want them to know now."

"So, what would we tell them when they ask why we want to get married so soon?"

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