Part Seven

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Happy Independence Day.

Sorry people, this Story has only small updates.

Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Gauri had a busy and hectic day in college. and on top of that, her professor said that the next day they would be having a test.

Even though they were together this morning, Gauri wasn't sure if Omkara would call her in the evening. Sighing, she takes her mobile and messages Omkara.

I have a test tomorrow and have to study for that today. you told me not to give any excuses, but this test is very important.

Gauri waited with bated breath as she stared at the phone. She sees the double tick and then it turning blue. She waited and waited, but there wasn't any reply from him.

Finally, not able to handle the silence from him, she dials his number.

"yeah?" Omkara answers the call.


"Yeah what?"

"Omkara... erm...." Since she couldn't see his face, she couldn't really judge his mood.

"Why did you call?" Omkara asks her.


"What is with you?" Omkara asks her confused. "And why aren't you studying?"

Gauri couldn't help the smile. "So, you saw the message."


"Then why didn't you reply?"

"What was I supposed to reply?" Omkara asks completely clueless.

"You could have said 'okay'. or at the very least, a 'k'!" Gauri tells him pissed.

"Gauri, if this is your idea of studying then I doubt you'll ever get a degree!"

Gauri scowls and makes a face at the phone. "Fine! I am going."

"Yeah, okay." Omkara replies.

Gauri was about to hang up when "Gauri..."

"Yeah?" Gauri asks as she frowned.

"All the best."


Come out.

2 mins, bell will ring now. Gauri replies as she checked her time. then she stared at her phone to see if he was going to call. When after the blue ticks, he didn't call, Gauri smiles. He wasn't as bossy as she believed. Or he was becoming more considerate with her.

Grinning, Gauri messages him, and thanks for asking, my test went well.

A second later, he replies, Welcome!

Gauri had the urge to shake him and laugh at the same time.


Gauri happily opens the door and slides in. Omkara was about to start the car, when she keeps her hand on his. "Omkara."

Omkara curiously looks at her and Gauri moves towards him and hugging him, she hungrily kisses him. Omkara hugs her back and kisses her back in equal vigor.

"What was that for?" Omkara asks her in ragged breath.

"I missed you." Gauri tells him as she smiled at him.

Omkara leans down and takes her lips in his, for a gentle kiss.

"Did you miss me?" Gauri asks him as she moved back.

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