Part Sixteen

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

They were going to have a baby.

Heart slamming against his chest, Omkara walked to the hostel.

He was going to be a father. Gauri was going to be a mother. They were going to be parents!!!

Omkara runs his hands through his hair agitatedly.

How could Gauri hide this from him? They always openly talked to each other about everything. Then why didn't Gauri tell him this important news?

Omkara stops in shock as realization hit him. that is why she had wanted to get married! That is why she had left her home. That is why she had left him because he had said no.

Omkara looks away filled with guilt. He had hurt her. in this condition she had gone through so much. But why didn't Gauri just tell him that she was pregnant?


"Warden is calling you. Someone is here to see you, Gauri." her roommate informs her.

Gauri sighs realizing it was Omkara.

"Please tell her that I don't want to see anyone." Gauri tells her.

Gauri closes her eyes as she hugged her legs and rested her head on her knees. She gently caresses her stomach. Today, again Omkara said that he didn't want to marry her. and she was not going to be a burden on him. Gauri closes her eyes tight as she tried not to cry. She lovingly caresses her stomach, we will be fine, baby.

She hears a loud commotion and some of the girls screaming, the warden shouting. Curious, Gauri gets up from her bed and opens the door.

She stops in shock seeing Omkara opening the door of the room next to hers. Then she hears an outraged shout from the girl in the room.

"Sorry." Omkara mumbles and turns and sees Gauri.

Gauri gulps and moves back seeing how furious he was.

"Let's go." Omkara calmly tells her.

"Get out of here." The warden furiously tells Omkara.

"We are leaving." Omkara tells her then turning to Gauri he tells, "Let's go, Gauri."

"I'm not coming anywhere with you, Omkara. you should leave. This is a girl's hostel, you shouldn't be here."

"I'm not leaving without you, Gauri."

"Just go away, Omkara!" Gauri angrily tells him.

Omkara takes in a sharp breath then calming himself, he says. "I really don't want to scream at you, Gauri. and you're making it a very difficult task."

"Call the police." The warden instructs someone.

"No!" Gauri shouts in panic. "He is leaving. Omkara, please go."

Omkara walks towards her and takes her hand in his. "Come with me, Gauri. We'll get married today."

Gauri looks at him in shock. "What?" how did he change his mind?

"If today then today." Omkara tells her happily as he cupped her face.

"No." Gauri whispers in shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, GAURI?" Omkara asks furiously.

Gauri moves back seeing him angry.

Omkara sighs and tries to calm himself. "Sorry... sorry... I am trying to not scream at you, trust me I want to... so please stop driving me crazy, Gauri."

"You're driving me crazy! You said you didn't want to marry me!"

"Gauri, I want you both to leave, right now!" warden tells her angrily.

"Watch the way you talk to her." Omkara angrily warns the warden.

"Omkara, just leave!" Gauri tells him fed up.

"You're coming with me, Gauri."

"I am not!"

Omkara closes his eyes in exasperation. "Gauri, I don't want to scream at you in your this condition."

"What condition?" Gauri asks in a shocked whisper, her heart slamming against her chest, realizing that somehow he found out.

Omkara looks around and sees that everyone was watching them. He moves towards her and gently whispers, so no one else hears. "I know about the baby."

"That's why you agreed to marry me." Gauri whispers in shock.

Omkara looks at her in confusion. "Isn't that why you wanted to get married?"

"But you don't want to get married. We are not getting married."

"What?" Omkara stops in confusion.

"I won't marry you, Omkara."

Omkara furiously holds her arms and pulls her close. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't want to be with you anymore." Gauri tells him in finality.


"I don't."

"Why the fuck you don't?"

"Stop using the f word! My baby will hear!" Gauri tells him frowning furiously.

"Our baby!"

"You told me we'll have an abortion if I get pregnant." Gauri reminds him.

"You didn't want to get pregnant, Gauri!" Omkara furiously reminds her. "You can change your mind and I can't?"

Gauri looks away hearing that. "I don't want to be with you anymore, Omkara. You don't have to marry me because I am pregnant. I can take care of this baby all by myself."

"I don't care whether you want to be with me or not, if you want to be any part of my baby's life then you'll have to marry me."

End of Part Sixteen

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- Lazy

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