Weakness ⚪️

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Alpha Sorrens car was luxurious however I didn't care. I got into the sleek black four door without saying a word until the Alpha joined me. "Put your seatbelt on." He said. I put my seat belt on as he said and then turned to him "I want to go home to pack some things." I was quickly shot down "No. My Beta will take care of that."
"But what if he doesn't get everything? I just want-" I was cut off. "Enough. You have been nothing but disrespectful. You will never talk to me in such a way infront of others again." He turned on the car and began backing out "I won't?" I challenged. His head snapped to the side "No you won't." I huffed as we began driving. I looked in the side mirror until the meeting building was no longer in sight. I leaned on the door my head against the cool glass of the window and watched as the world passed me by.
  I tried not to think of who I was with and what I was leaving because I didn't want to breakdown infront of this man, but god it was hard. It was quiet as we made it out of the small town I grew up in and began down a twisting road leading to the mountains I so loved to hike in. When we passed the sign that stated 'Thanks for visiting, come again' I bit my lip hard to keep a ragged gasp from escaping me as I struggled to hold myself together. Visiting, would I be able to do that? "When can I visit my parents?" I asked still keeping my gaze out of the window. "When you learn how to talk to me." Alpha Sorren answered. "I know how to talk just fine."
  "I do not appreciate the disrespect nor does my wolf. I suggest you tread carefully Calla." I was never going home again or at least not for a very long time, I knew it deep down. The silence between us was suffocating so I turned to put on some music which was muted by him. "I don't care for music." He said. "Well I do." I reached for the dial again but my hand was caught by his large one. "Calla. Stop." His voice was deeper, dominant, and I swallowed thickly before pulling my hand from his. It was rough and warm and unsettling.
I huffed again and tipped my head back on the head rest paying attention to the road before me incase I ever got a chance to escape however it was hard as the sun was down and it was now dark. I yawned even though I could never fall asleep this close to a wolf let alone an Alpha. "Are you hungry?" Sorren asked. As if on cue my stomach growled. "I will take that as a yes." He confirmed it was great to know he could hear that acutely. "What would you like?" I turned to look at him my brows furrowed together. Was he serious? He just thought he could get me dinner and we could sit down like a couple after he just stole me away from my world?
"There is Chinese, Italian, a good barbecue place, oh there's also a good cafe although they are surely closed by now." I still sat staring and he looked at me unimpressed "Well?" He said. "Seriously?" I asked unable to help myself "After everything that happened today, this is the first decent thing you've chosen to say to me?" I was now angry as the Silver Springs sign came into view. "No 'sorry for ruining your life'? Or an apology for almost taking a bite out of my dad? Or 'sorry for making your mom loose her only child with no promise of seeing her again!"
"It is the law and I can do with you as I please! Your parents will get over you! Time will move on and so will they to the point that you will only be a distant memory to them." My anger was suddenly replaced with sadness. When I lost my Aunt that is how it was, time moved on and the world continued on. The pain of loosing her never left but the time spent together seemed to get further and further away until it seemed like another world entirely although it was only 4 years ago. I didn't want the same to happen to me. It was too painful for all involved
"I'm not hungry." Sorren sighed in annoyance "You are lying." When I didn't answer he exclaimed in anger what he was going to get us for dinner "Fuck, we are ordering Chinese." My stomach growled again and he seemed to take that as my response to his proposal.
Silver Springs seemed to be a fairly large town the streets tidy and lined with street lamps a few shops having neon. We kept driving through the town and up the side of a mountain before turning off the main road and onto a paved driveway. I saw a big house come into view and swallowed thickly. We were here, we made it. If the circumstances were different I'd be excited to live here. It was a rustic log cabin with large windows and a large porch the wrapped around one side to what I assumed was a back deck. I'm sure the view was wonderful too as I got out of the car I could see the town lights twinkling below. All I could think about was how far I was from society, from humans. I was also unsure if this was just his house or the pack house. It looked large enough to house many people and some packs worked like that although it was considered an outdated practice. I wasn't sure which would be worse.
I didn't realize Alpha Sorren had said anything or got out of the car until he touched my shoulder. I jumped and moved away from his touch "I said let's go inside so I can order the food." I glanced back down at the twinkling lights before following him into the large house. The first thing I noticed about the space, it was cold. The lights were all off and I shifted uncomfortably I hated the dark because of what could be in the dark, and now that I knew what was in the dark it was all the more unsettling because it was him and I knew he could see me clearly even in this light.
His footsteps echoed as he walked further into the space but I stood still at the doorway. "Lights please." I called out my voice a bit shakey. My heart beat spiked as he flipped on the lights and was suddenly infront of me when I swore his footsteps sounded across the space moments before. "I apologize, humans cannot see in the dark." He stated as if he forgot that fact. Not wanting to throw thanks around generously I said nothing and turned my attention to the house, it was quiet and so I assumed that this was just his house. A part of me was relieved and the other sort of me was terrified at that fact. It was a modern house and seemed to lack very homey touches. No pictures of him or his family hung on the walls and it seemed as if it was ripped out of a magazine. It was an open floor plan with dark wooden floors and brown leather furniture. A large fire place with a flat screen on the mantle dominated the large room. There was an ornate rug and a large glass coffee table situated around the furniture. The kitchen was modern and had light wooden cabinets which contrasted with the dark wood. A large fridge and stove sat side by side along with a dish washed and lastly an island with a few stools and a built in stove top. The stairs were in the living room and lead up to a loft and second floor assumingely to his and other bedrooms. I didn't even want to think about the bedroom right now I would be content sleeping on the couch and never going upstairs.
"Do you have a preference on Chinese food?" He asked as I walked further into the space. The windows revealed the dark forest around and I wished more then ever I'd been here first in the day to see what I was gazing at through the black glass. I turned and shook my head. My favorite Chinese food without a doubt was Lo Mein with chicken and lots of vegetables along with egg rolls and crab Rangoon's, the Rangoon's were perhaps my favorite. But I didn't want to seem enthusiastic about anything he had to say and so I kept quiet.
I drowned out his deep voice as he ordered and instead went through a door beside the fireplace revealing an office. His desk was huge with a winged back chair sat behind it. Three of the four walls were book shelves and a large window seat was actually made into the book shelf. This seemed like the homiest room I'd found so far although there were still no pictures of him with anyone. Weren't wolves supposed to be close with their family? With their pack?
I walked over to the books and ran my fingers over the spines reading the titles to see if anything caught my eye. A few jumped out at me like "Of Mice and Men" and "How to Kill a Mockingbird" things I have read in school when I was younger and wouldn't mind reading again. As I stood alone my arms crossed to try and retain warmth in my thin dress I let the tears I had been fighting all evening finally fall.
They were slow at first until finally I couldn't see clearly and my face was damp. I sat down behind his desk out of sight of the doorway and let my grief wash over me in my few moments alone. My legs were hugged up to my chest as I struggled to stay quiet like a child not wanting to gain attention from their parents and be questioned, except mine was a short tempered wolf. I cried until my eyes felt like glass and my throat was sore unable to ebb the flow of tears. My mom always told me that it was better to let it out because you would always feel better if you let it go, but I didn't not this time. I now had a headache and swollen eyes to go along with my miserable self pity and over all anxiety. Now that I was away from my family I let my thoughts selfishly roam to me and my fate. I'd heard horror stories of what happened to girls mated with wolves on their first night together. The only thing I had going for me is that it was not a full moon. Wolves seemed to have this obsession for claiming their mates which would be fine if I was a wolf and had the same urges, but I'm not and I don't. I couldn't fight him Alpha Sorren off if he really wanted to sleep with me he would and the thought terrified me. We were alone and I am human.
I heard footsteps approaching and tried in vein to stop the tears. "Calla?" He entered the room and my hair stood up on end. The illusion of privacy I had was now gone, I'm sure he heard me crying from his place in the kitchen but now he saw the weak mess I was cowering behind his desk. I wiped at my eyes angrily trying to stop the tears. My hands were shaking as I thought over my predicament. I'd talked back to him openly and he stated I wouldn't ever talk to him that way again. I was now afraid how he would carry out that lesson.

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