The Sunshine Dances ⚪️

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I'd been at the house a whole week meaning Sorren finally had to return to his Alpha duties. I'd watched so many movies, read a few of my books, drew a few doodles in some of his books, and tried not to go absolutely mad. The best time was when Sorren has to take calls and steps into his office I would finally be alone.
At night Sorren still slept on the loveseat or rather the rug infront of the loveseat. I'd rather he not be in the room at all I felt like I'm the dark my senses were in high alert, although I did notice how he would leave the bathroom door open a crack with the light on which was good.
Today I was being introduced to Francesca the housekeeper who would take over 'babysitting' me so to speak. She was a wolf sadly I'd hoped for another human but I couldn't be so lucky. I was sitting at the island eating toast when Sorren came down stairs in blue suit pants, a white button up, blue tie, and shined black dress shoes that encased his large feet like clown shoes. This shirt did admirably look nice on him it showed the co yours of his muscles nicely. I shook the thought from my head.
  He grabbed his suit jacket off of the back of the couch and made his way over to me. "Good morning Calla, I'm sorry I could've made you some food." He insisted. "I didn't realize you would be up before me." I'd heard the shower turn on and slipped out of bed. "That's okay." I shrugged taking a bite of toast.
  Sorren looked at his watch and cursed "Where is that women?" He growled. "I'll be fine without her. I won't see the house on fire." He laughed at that "That's not what I'm concerned about sweetheart." I narrowed my eyes at the nickname my glare shifting from him to the door as a knock sounded. "Finally." He said making his way over.
  "Francesca, pushing the clock as always," I couldn't see the women because of Sorren but was surprised as she wrapped her arms around the Alpha. "Hello to you too Sorren." The voice was older. "Francesca, I want you to meet someone." The women stepped in as Sorren moved to the side. She was a bit taller than me and looked to be in her 60s perhaps although her wrinkles are fine her grey hair and style gave her away. "Is that a human I smell?" I shifted uncomfortably what did a human even smell like? I'm sure I didn't want to know.
  "Francesca this is Calla," Sorren said following Francesca into the kitchen. The women a eyes were wide as she looked me up and down as I sat at the island with my toast. "Calla is my mate." Francesca smiled widely "Oh how wonderful!" She rushed over to me arms wide and I stood up quickly my hands up infront of me as I braced myself for the enormous hug I was about to receive.
  "Hello Calla! Oh moon goddess I've prayed for this!" I stood arms and my sides stunned as this women hugged me almost too tightly. "Francesca be careful she is human." Sorren said as he sensed my discomfort. "I'm sorry dear I'm just so excited!" Francesca pushed me back to arms length and ran her eyes over me. "You are so beautiful!" She gushed and I looked down at my pajama clad form. "Thanks." I said after a moment of assessment myself.
  "Okay I have to go I'm late. Francesca keep an eye on Calla make sure she doesn't go anywhere." At that statement the old woman raised a brow her back still to Sorren. "And Calla." His gaze was intense as he looked at me "Do not try anything." I nodded and he made his way over to me. I fought with myself to stay in this spot and flinched when he bent down to kiss my forehead "I will be back in time for dinner."
  With one last glance he was gone and a let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. He addressed Francesca as he made it to the door. "Francesca, not a word of this to anyone." He ordered. Francesca nodded "of course." And with that he left. I stood uncomfortably in my spot and Francesca turned to me an uneasy smile on her face. "Calla." She said setting her bag down on the counter and walking around the island. "That is a beautiful name." I nodded "Thanks." I sat back at my seat and began picking at my toast once more.
  "I assume you were my reason for a weeks vacation." She smiled "I guess I should thank you." She attempted to joke. I tried to follow along as was socially expected but my smile fell short. As my face fell so did Francesca's she now looked knowing, wise. "Where did he take you from?" She asked. "Cedar Creek." I answered. "I just turned 20." I explained and she nodded in understanding.
  "How young you are." She nodded "But really dear finding a mate is life altering in a good way as well." She tried. "Especially a good man like Sorren." I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore, I didn't feel like being coerced into some kind of Stockholm syndrome by this woman. "He is cold and sometimes very unpleasant but deep down he is a good man."
  "He isn't a man, he is a wolf." Francesca smiled as I declared that "He is both a wolf and a man with enormous responsibility. That is why you, Luna, are so important to him. You are his balance." I didn't want to listen to this woman anymore "I am his prisoner! I didn't want this!" I exclaimed. "Somethings are not about want, but rather need." She answered back infuriatingly calm. "I don't need him and I never will. What I need is back in Cedar Creek and it is something he could never give me." I said my voice wavering "Calla-" I cut off the woman "I don't want to talk about this anymore."
  I hadn't stirred up a conversation with Francesca at all since this morning and she let me go about pouting to myself. I know I am acting as a child but what she was saying, I didn't want or need to hear it right now. I was still too upset at my situation, at Sorren. I missed my parents dearly, my old life. Francesca had cleaned the whole of the downstairs cleaning around me as I sat on the window seat in Sorren's study the whole of the day. The clock that sat on his desk read 4:45 only 15 more minutes until I was smothered again. I heard the vacuum running upstairs and suddenly had an idea. I walked out into the main living area and over to the sliding glass doors to the back porch.
  I flicked open the lock and slid open the door winching as I did so. The vacuum however kept running and so I stepped out I got he shaded porch. There was a crisp light breeze blowing and it felt amazing. My linen pants ruffled in the wind and my knit sweater did good to keep my a bit warm. I made my way down the stairs and into the large back yard my bare feet scrunching into the cold grass and my hair flowing freely behind me.
  I closed my eyes and looked up towards the sun my arms stretched out either side of me as I basked in it's warmth. This was the first I'd been outside in a week and it showed as I listened to the sounds around me. The ruffling of aspen leaves loud and almost plastic. The sounds of birds chirping and what I discerned to be chipmunks jumping through the detritus on the forest floor. I breathed in deeply it smelled like the beginnings of fall.
  I sat down and laid back on the grass  looking at the sky as a large white cloud passed infront of the sun dulling it's blinding light for a few moments. I breathed deeply and I released the tension from my body completely as I thought of nothing but what was around me. I wanted to stay in the spot forever and forget the reality I now lived in. I closed my eyes once more as a large gust of wind blew the cloud from the sun revealing its shining beams in full force once again.
  Little did I know that I was begging watched by not one pair of eyes, but two.

Calla LilyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя