Chapter 1: Rebirth

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*note: some characters will have different personalities then from the canon series to make the fanfiction more interesting. Of course they will still be recognizable, simply tweaked...*

King Grey

The crowd broke into applause. Cheering, yelling and shouting filled the arena as I walked onto the stage. Mine and Nico's argument rang in my mind as I walked up the steps and into the ring.

He couldn't be right...could he?

No, Lady Vera was not so cruel. She took care of me and taught me how to fight. She gave me a new chance at this life, I couldn't just betray her on Nico's childish whims.

Using the meditation techniques I was taught I cleared my mind as the cheering exploded once again.

Out of the shadows walked Cecil. Her golden blond hair was tied up into a high ponytail and a sword was strapped to her side. Her face was unreadable, as if she was wearing a mask.

She walked up onto the arena as I walked closer to her. I reached out my hand, attempting at a handshake before the duel. She looked me dead in the eye and smacked my hand away.

"I don't shake hands with someone lesser." She stated coldly.

"You changed..."

"I got stronger."

"Just what did they do to you?" I asked, nervous at her change in attitude.

Ignoring me, she unsheathe her sword from her side, thrust it into the air and shouted, "LET THE DUEL BEGIN."

The crowd roared even louder as anger and hurt boiled within me. This person was no longer Cecil...I don't know what she has been through but-

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a whistle.

"Everyone settle down settle down." Said the judge that was now in between me and Cecil.

"Are both opponents ready?"

Cecila gave a hurried nod, as if she was itching to kill me.

Slowly I gave a nod as well.

"Then let the Kings Tournament...BEGIN"

Quickly I took a fighting stance. My dominant foot slid behind me as my left shot forward. I crouched down and lifted my sword parallel to my line of sight.

Cecilia stood their, a grin growing on her face.

Suddenly a burst of ki shot out from her as she took a step forward.

"Count your seconds...Grey"

I sent ki to my arms, legs and body. Every fiber within me was now powered by the magic inside this world. Although my ki pool was minuscule, my control over it was nothing to be laughed at.

Shooting forward I lifted my sword and launched myself at Cecil. My hair tousled by the sheer momentum.

If I can get the first hit, I can win...

I extended the sword, ready for the split second impact, but inside of penetrating Cecilia's body, the sword shattered as my arm snapped in half.

Before I knew it I was on the ground with Cecil looking down at me.

"Well that was boring" Cecilia said mockingly.

"Is that all the mighty Grey could muster." She continued as she stepped on my crotch.

"You know...I never understood why people were after my power..." She took a pause as she pick up my head by the hair.

"But I think I get it now..."

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