Chapter 4: Central Acadamy

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The carriage door was opened. I could see the coachman's frightened brown eyes, his extended hand quivering. "Mr Granhbell, we have arrived."

"Thanks" I replied, coldly ignoring his hand.

Kalon got out after me, swallowing his words of correct etiquette.

"So- this is Central Academy...what do you think."

My king like demeanor cracked as I looked upon the white guarded city. I could see bright blue fountains decorated with nobles. I could smell the many gardens and feel power simply radiating from the school. This wasn't anything like I have ever seen on Earth. Breathtaking wouldn't even begin to describe it. A school that looked like the very image of the garden of Eden.

My brothers hand waving in front of me snapped me out of my awe struck day dream.

"Well what do you think."

"Are we sure this is a school?" I asked, only slightly joking. "Not like a palace or something right?"

Kalon simply laughed. "I have never seen you so dazed, and yes it is a school."

Although Kalon was back to his lighthearted self, I could tell he was still guarded.

After crossing many arches and bridges we finally made it to the student checkin office. A petite middle aged man sat there with golden framed square glasses.

"Ah if it isn't Kalon," he said. "Back for another year of school?"

Kalon smiled.

"Nice to see you again, Professor Gilor."

The man slowly looked down, surprise growing on his face.

"And who is this young man"

"Ah sorry, he is my younger brother, he is starting his first year today." Kalon responded, placing his hand around my back.

"Isn't he to you-"

I interrupted him by placing my student id already printed by my parents.

He adjusted his glasses with overly played elegance. Immediately his eyes grew so wide a cartoon character would be jealous.

"S—sighed by a s s sovereign." He stammered. His well hidden lisp becoming evident.

Kalon only scratched the back of his hand with uncomfortable chuckles.

My quick moment of joy was interrupted by someone poking my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl around my age with a hand over her hip. Her stance reminded me of a sassy girl who peaked in high school.

"Excuse but what is taking you so long, you get your id card and get ou-"

"Wait...your my age." We both said at the same time.

Not sure of how to respond I let her lead the conversation.

"You shouldn't be here." She said

"Excuse me?"

"You're too young."

"We are the same age" I said, now even more confused.

"Perhaps but I'm special, I was given permission to attend by a Scythe." She said proudly.

"That's great, I'm very happy for you." I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Brother want to show me to my first class?" I asked Kalon, turning my back to the purple haired girl.

"Sure?" He said, as if his mind was occupied by something else.

"Hey I was still taking to you" the girl yelled after me.

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