Chapter 18: Consequences

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Today is a short chapter since I was busy all week, sorry in advance :(


My mind was drifting. Flashes of fights echoed in my mind. Some against grampa, others against mana beasts. But the one that stayed the longest was against Lucas.

Lucas was never a weak mage, his mana reserves were of the charts, his spells were fairly strong. But to think, I, a princess with royal lineage, a person trained by the Commander Virion, would get toyed around like a bug by the boys magic.

When we were fighting, he was laughing at me. He didn't try to win, he already knew he would...why bother than.

As soon as his final spell hit me it felt like my whole world shattered in front of me. Was my life going to end like this? If so...then why did I even bother trying to live it...

My life fluttered shut as my body crashed onto the floor. I tried to move, I did I really did. But my body didn't listen to my meager requests.

With a quick gasp, my eyes opened, light not entering my pupils.

My body ached with short throbbing pain. Skin burnt, body bruised, muscles fatigued.

I heard faint water dripping in the distance. It was the calming kind. Where the one drop of water echoed throughout the cave...


Time caught up to me as I checked my surroundings.

Writings filled the walls of the cave, the air was thin...or was it thick.

I couldn't tell but ever breath I took was forced.

Trying to stand I pushed myself up.

I swayed on my feet a little. But other than that...I was fine.

"You probably shouldn't be standing right now" a voice said from behind me.

"Huh...w- who are you?" I replied, scared...frighted.

The boys features were hidden from my eyes, darkness covering him. But I could tell he was younger than I was by his voice.

"My name is Grey" he said, walking towards me 

Suddenly my world shrank as I was pushed onto my knees, the air forced out of my lungs.

"Oh, sorry about that. My mistake." He said deadpan.

He reached out his hand.

It was pale, felt like the hand that always practiced the sword. But there were no blisters, none.

Standing up, I looked up at him. Deep golden eyes started back at me.

A shiver was sent down my spine.

His wheat blond hair covered his forehead, as if on purpose to hide himself from me. But why?

"You can let go of my hand now, yes?"

I blushed, quickly letting go of his hand.

"Nice to meet you Grey, my name is Tessia E-"

"I know, that's why I saved you." He said simply

"You?" It's not like I doubted his power. His mere presence pushed me onto my knees, scared me to my very core. But for some reason my mind couldn't wrap my head around it.

"A close friend is related to you. A djinn. I don't expect you to know what, or rather who, that is. But she is the reason you are still alive."

"Um, yes thank you." I said, slightly bowing to show him my appreciation.

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