Chapter 5: Interruption

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Ever since my retainer left me I have been under pressure. Grey's improvements in mana arts has been dumbfounding. So much so that I had to train my own little apprentice just to hold him back, break his least for now. She is strong, very strong. But if she could hold up to the vessel...was a different story.

Right now, I think she has a slight edge in her mana core and mana control, just because of my teachings.

I chewed my nails in anticipation as I sent Caera Denoir off to Central Academy.


The purple haired girl walked with radiating dignity up the stairs and into her seat. My eyes followed her every movement, but I remained sulking in my seat.

I usually never minded nobles or how they talked and behaved. But the ones that thought they were special or different because of how they were raised pissed me off. Especially because that's how The Legacy acted in our last duel. Her twisted smile and overwhelming confidence. All because she was just that much better.

"Now class as I mentioned recently we will be testing everybody's skills today and putting you all in ranks throughout the school. The ranks will be determined by magical abilities and raw power."

The class quickly grew restless.

"Does that mean we are competing with the seniors."

"What- how is that fair."

"No way"

The professor smiled.

"The ranks will determine what future classes you can take and how you will be treated by your pears."

"If they are a higher rank then you, they have every right to act better then you and look down at you. Of course physical violence is not tolerated."

This interested the class. Humans always wanted to be at the top whenever a hierarchy was introduced.

But why were they teaching this at school, I wondered.

"Now class let us-"

He was interrupted by a soul sucking pressure creeping behind the classroom door.

An icy feeling loomed over me. My lungs were shrinking as chills rose from my spine.

Fuck...whoever that is, they are strong.

My classmates crashed onto their knees, painfully gasping for air. Even I, could barely sit straight, let alone stand.

The door slammed open as a 7ft tall man, with budging muscles, stepped through. He had horns similar to the ones I first saw when I reincarnated...but they were different, less elegant and more...broad.

"S-Scythe Dragoth." The professor blabbered.

"Hello...students..." his voice rang in my ears.

The Scythe took a glance around the room and lowered his bloodlust, although just a little.

"There is a student in this school that has been recognized by the High Sovereign himself." He continued, his voice growing darker.

"If you don't behave yourselves in front of him. Hell if you even look at the boy the wrong way, all of the Scythes will be out for   your bloods   neck."

He let those words linger in the air.

"Okay, perfect, cya later Grey" he said lightly, his eyes gazing at my very being.

The Scythe walked out the door like nothing has happened.

His aura now gone, the class broke out into mass chatter.

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